[Branch closed!] EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 4) - page 113

What was stopping you from selling on the 19th and getting 250 pips ? - This will even cover the loss if you did not enter correctly before the 19th EUR CHF
Give me the link where you predicted this gain the first time.
By the way, the ECB is going to intervene by injecting dough into Greece....
By the way, the ECB is going to intervene by injecting dough into Greece....

long overdue
What was stopping you from selling on the 19th and getting 250 pips ? - This will even cover the loss if you didn't enter correctly before the 19th EUR CHF

Once again on EUR-Dollar: Now on Gunn high, i.e. sell and fix when ?
So we'll be dangling between 1.4-1.5, which you can't earn...

1.5 is a scary level, I wouldn't want to be there for that :), and the flat will not come out then. It is hard to say how the economy will do, but I think 1.5 will not be broken by bankers and traders but by the reality of the world economy, you should read the reviews, but I suspect that the dollar, the euro and the yen are not doing so well, and the remaining majors rarely set new trends - they mostly "keep the excess dollars", imho

By the way, the ECB is going to intervene by injecting dough into Greece....
The news is already starting to hype it, but interventions are usually seen on the story and on what day to stay out of the market no one says

1.5 is a scary level, I would not want to be there :), and a flat will not come out then. It is hard to say how the economy will do, but I think 1.5 will not be broken by bankers and traders but by the reality of the world economy, we need to read the reviews, but I suspect that the dollar, the euro and the yen are both doing badly so far, and the remaining majors rarely set new trends - they mostly "keep the dollar in surplus", imho

in the news the hype already starts but the interventions are usually seen on the story and on what day to stay out of the market no one says

"2011.05.30 00:10:14 Eurogroup May Hold Special Greece Meeting June 6 -Report"

I think we will find out on June 6... 1.5 can really be jumped only by a "miracle".... but there is nothing scary about it.... if you are sure about it, you can safely sell at 1.5 and buy at 1.4....

Give me the link where you predicted this earnings the first time around.

Well it was about 40 pages ago - I was still chatting to Margaret about the apothecary -

DragonSL 30.05.2011 18:25

Here is a high and low price forecast - I have a thread - they are trying to learn it there - first picture is this week, second is last week I worked - profit over350 pips from these points - for the week - green high price, red low price for EUR USD - AUD USD and GBP USD - only if the price stands on a red day - it will shoot to a green day

Do not sell till the high till the low - here are the dates ! _


Here is a thread - it has been trashed but there is something good


Tomorrow night I will sell the euro dollar and we can wait until the 2nd -

...The finance ministers of the 17 eurozone countries may hold an emergency meeting on 6 June, at which details of a second emergency aid package will be agreed. European Commission officials denied the information in the Greek press, calling the report "unfounded rumours".

Earlier, the IMF denied rumours that Greece had failed to meet its budget deficit reduction targets. "The media who spread this information are referring to the results of an audit carried out by creditors and inspectors, but it is untrue," said an IMF spokesman. - "We are continuing negotiations with the Greek authorities, who have made significant progress in implementing the austerity programme.


Well it was about 40 pages ago - I was still talking to Margaret about the chemist -

Tomorrow night I' ll sell the euro dollar and we can wait till the 2nd -

It was the night before, there was nothing to do....

And I will sell and then buy (be jealous!!!)

Let's create a demo millionaires club I even agree to be the chairman! (temporary)

Let's measure each other's stats.


Interview with Trichet:

Question: Is it possible that the euro could leave the single currency country?

Trichet: No, it is completely unrealistic .There's not even any position of it in the EU Agreement. The euro area is a community that shares the same fate: Each member depends on the others.

Question: Why has the ECB taken such a tough stance on debt restructuring in Greece?

Trichet: The restructuring and reform programme agreed by the EU and the International Monetary Fund with Greece does not involve restructuring .Greece must implement the programme fully and strictly, it is very important to correct the mistakes of the past and pave the way for sustainable job creation.

Q: Many Greeks do not accept this reform programme and are taking to the streets.

Trichet: It is never easy when a country has to fix years of economic and financial fraud. Greece has been living beyond its means for years at a time when steadily increasing public sector pay. Crucially, reforms in the country so that it can stand on its own feet. It is in the self interest of the Greeks that growth is created and jobs are created again in the future.


Question: Is it conceivable that a euro country might leave the single currency?

Trichet: No, that is totally unrealistic. There's not even any provision for it in the EU Treaty. The euro area is a community that shares the same destiny: each member is dependent on the others.

Question: Why is the ECB taking such a tough stance against a rescheduling of Greece's debt?

Trichet: The adjustment and reform programme agreed by the EU and the International Monetary Fund with Greece does not envisage restructuring. Greece must implement the programme fully and rigorously; this is very important to correct the mistakes of the past and pave the way for sustainable job creation.

Question: Many Greeks are not accepting this reform programme and taking to the streets.

Trichet: It is never easy when a country has to put right many years of economic and financial mismanagement. Greece has lived beyond its means for years while continually raising public-sector pay. It is absolutely essential to reform the country so that it can stand on its own two feet once again. It is in the Greeks' own best interests that growth is generated and jobs are created again in the future.