Let's go SetLastError!!! - page 7


Well, it's a stupid theory. In practice, after the third time, the conditions will change and there will be no need to open for example :)

Condition conditions, but if you have an error in your code and the EA sends a request with an error in the parameters, then changing the conditions may not help.

Also, look at how many errors here imply trade termination.

Errors 8 and 141 mean that you're not satisfied.

What do you mean by too many queries, reduce the frequency of queries? So make it a condition for the program not to make too many queries with a certain frequency... that's how it will solve itself))
ошибки будут как бы всегда действовать даже если вроде бы нормально работает а исключения только при определенном стечении обстоятельств случаться... там типа сервер отказал и т п...

This is the programmer's fault for not taking into account that the server might crash.


This is the programmer's fault for not taking into account that the server might crash.

Well, it's kind of weird to call it an oversight... called them exceptions :)
As they say - do you want to drive or do you want to leave?
We could have closed the subject long ago)))