Trading on the price difference between two brokerage companies - page 3

Then we have to learn how to trade differently
Then we have to learn how to trade differently
Bullshit! You just need to get rid of those companies that do not pay (they will soon).
Nonsense! We just need to put a stop to this kind of business. (will be soon)

And Slava will be chairman there?

Looking forward to it...

Nonsense! We need to put a stop to this kind of business. ( will appear soon )

The only thing to do is not to trade with them. They will withdraw from the market on their own.

This correspondence is just a complaint, there are thousands of them online. But the question of cheating is still open.


And Slava will be there as a chairman?

It's unlikely... but the rf OEP has taken a particular interest in the activities of CDCs (all of them). their excessive profits are too high... they are passing through the fingers of the state. regulations on their activities are being prepared...

and the punishment will not be administrative for DT cheaters!


Completely on the DC side - cheaters are cut down mercilessly.

Classic FOREX arbitrage is only possible between different interbank platforms.

And there are some caveats. The thing is that each trading floor is provided with liquidity (and prices) by liquidity providers - banks.

For example, Goldman Sachs. One of the clauses in the contract between the platform and the bank is that the platform will not use the bank for arbitrage.

The point is that, for example in Currenex and HotSpotFXi, the same Goldman can supply different feeds. And arbitrage sometimes occurs between these feeds.

In case you are using Currenex+HotSpotFXi aggregator, you can use arbitrage by buying in Currenex and selling in HotSpotFXi.

And it could be that you end up buying and selling from Goldman in different of its feeds. The bank doesn't like it very much, and it kicks Currenex and HotSpotFXi in the neck. Those, in turn, are slapping you in the neck.

For this reason you will not see negative spreads in ready aggregators, although they often do. And the aggregator does not trade it in profit, but simply does not let clients trade it, so as not to get in the neck from their liquidity providers.

But no one forbids trading arbitrage between different direct liquidity providers. And also between the currency troika and quadruplets.


Totally on DC's side - cheaters should be mercilessly cut down.

Another nonsense !

i am offered before opening an account and depositing money in it, a whole range of conditions that i sign and accept ! if i do not violate them then ANY of my actions cannot be considered illegal ( even if i take data for arbitrage anywhere) ! and here is ANY change in these conditions by the doC after i have deposited money and without my consent - blatant fraud !

We just have slightly different levels of outlook. Not in the sense that I have a higher one and you have a lower one. Just different.

You should stay away from this kind of trading. On the real.

The FFMC commission is inundated with complaints about dealing centers - which simply do not pay out the money earned this way.

And representatives of these dealers (including the founders of the Commission) just openly on the board of KDFMM, brazenly declare - that they will not pay real money earned inter-dealer arbitrage

And how do they know that the funds are earned this way ?????

I do not know what to do with it.


Nah, I'm the stupid one. Enlighten me!

Why guess what's going to happen? Don't you have enough to do? Have you done all the dishes?

FA. Yes - it's power. Only as unpredictable as... Um... I don't even have a metaphor handy...