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Waiting for a dozen film titles )))



Recommend a movie to watch online.

Waiting for a dozen film titles )))

"Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown. Pedro Almadovar.
The natural emotions of natural people.
"Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown". Pedro Almadovar.
The natural emotions of natural people.

Thank you.

Suggestions no longer accepted).


Runet farts

Escalating slogans:
2011: Medvedev, go away!
2012: Putin, go away!
2013: Putin and Medvedev, leave!
2014: Let's have a revolution!
2015: Hooray! Revolution!
2016: All to the fight against hunger!
2017: All to fight hunger and poverty!
2018: All to fight hunger, poverty and tuberculosis!
2019: All to defend the revolution against Chinese aggression!
2020: 萬歲中國共產黨!


Runet is farting

Escalating slogans:
2011: Medvedev, go away!
2012: Putin, get out!
2013: Putin and Medvedev, leave!
2014: Let's have a revolution!
2015: Hooray! Revolution!
2016: All to the fight against hunger!
2017: All to fight hunger and poverty!
2018: All to fight hunger, poverty and tuberculosis!
2019: All to defend the revolution against Chinese aggression!
2020: 萬歲中國共產黨!

Sad as it is, it's a realistic scenario, although it looks like Putin's promised "psychotherapy for the lost";) But all is not lost yet, our leaders just need to start doing real things. Not for them, not for Russia, nothing is lost yet. For example:

Create mechanisms for the authorities to be accountable to the people;

Restore social justice (it is not the case that the servants of the people live incomparably better than the people they are supposed to serve);

Start putting corrupt officials in jail (because everyone should live by the law, not just those who have less money and connections);

send the functionaries who are not doing their job well not to other responsible jobs, but to "free float";

Create conditions for the development of the real economy in the country and not rush around with nanoideas in the Skolkovo villages;

Definitely do not call those who disagree with them condoms.

Otherwise they will really fuck up Russia like the Tsar did, and then they will throw the dogs at the "revolutionaries", nostalgic for overseas taverns ... There are no revolutionaries in Russia, apart from the flamboyant Limonov.) Everything is in the hands of our rulers, they are responsible for everything, not people who express their dissent on the squares.


A fantasy story described a utopian society in which the President has absolute power and absolute freedom to make state decisions. The President always carries a sniper rifle, with which he is free to kill anyone who appears suspicious or strange enough....

In all public places there are red buttons. If you press them - they activate the detonator for a mini bomb, which is built into the president's collar - a symbol of absolute power ...

Society is satiated and content with its life. There is no crime. The only inconvenience is too frequent presidential elections - but this is a temporary phenomenon, society is just learning to be free in its thoughts and actions.

That's a hell of a story, joo. What's the story?
That's awesome, joo. What's the story?

I can't remember the title, unfortunately. But I always remember this story when it comes to the President.

And another point from the story: no one aspires to power (because there is no reason to, justice reigns, general prosperity) and the current president is constantly in search of his successor, to whom he can hand over power at any time without holding a presidential election (if the successor agrees).


What? - Is it a bit of a shock to be in the shoes of a president in such a society? What about money and command over billions of the planet's inhabitants? - because the president is the head of the entire planet.
