[Archive! - page 516


For that is what freedom is all about.

You are basically incapable of understanding where cause and effect lie.

But, on the other hand, you don't need it.



You are basically incapable of understanding where cause and effect lie.

But then again, you don't need to.


It is not required in the first place by you who are led to the slaughter.

And who would talk about cause and effect, not being able to answer any questions yourself.

I, unlike you, have at least some kind of argument, thinly or thinly.

You, a calibrated liberal, respond only with emotion.

And, let me point out again: I wasn't the first one to start this shit.


I sincerely wish that your and PapaEj's children/grandchildren would get hooked on drugs.

It sounds like you're really out of your mind, so I don't think any further correspondence is useful.
You seem to be really messed up in the head, I consider further correspondence pointless.

P.S. I don't suppose you can expect any substantive answers.

Well, go on rallying.

Just a reminder: Russia has become a resort for pedophiles.

I wish so too. For you and your children and grandchildren.

For that is what freedom is all about.

I may have to keep silent even with my own - the rules of the forum are the same for all. for such a thing you can hit (sorry I do not hit wives). a woman (especially a woman born to create and give birth) how can she wish that to people (even more so to people, children).

Swetten be careful with such even fleeting desires and expressions, the law of boomerangs is the same for all, certainly this law cannot be circumvented.

I remember about a year ago, Sveta was also in a bad mood, she was pitying everyone in a neighbouring thread, people were pitying her then, remembering her physiology)))

A man should not be without his family...


I sincerely wish that your and PapaEj's children/grandchildren would get hooked on drugs.


Are you out of your mind? Ugh...
Schizophrenia likes to visit me too, of course, but I'm still a good-natured schizophrenic.
Schizophrenia likes to visit me too, of course, but I'm still a good-natured schizophrenic.
All drug addicts are good-natured - it's not a drug...