[Archive! - page 268

At this stage of civilisation, life is only needed to reproduce itself and serves some grandiose purpose of achieving ultimate perfection, after which it will apparently be granted forever physically or virtually by driving the brain into a computer chip.
Don't be; just live!

I'm talking about very deep feelings that people understand but are afraid to talk about them because they will be misunderstood.....

any opinion about the meaning of human life (although everyone has their own meaning) i can refute....

And if the joy of life is that everyone around you has had a good time ... but no matter how hard you try, you can't please everyone.... if it's good for someone, it's bad for someone else.
And YOU outline the circle of loved ones to please fewer people, however, the orbit of thoughts has taken you in the wrong direction, correct it.
+100500, who does not agree, let him kill himself UpScene :)
you are our police genius)))) how can you confidently assert that existence is better than non-existence if you can't consciously understand anything about non-existence???? i don't know anything about nothingness either, but at least i don't state it unequivocally....... it's about experience..... don't take offense or take it as aggression
you are our police genius)))) how can you confidently assert that existence is better than non-existence if you consciously can't understand anything about non-existence???? i don't know anything about nothingness either, but at least i don't state it unequivocally....... it's about experience..... no offense and don't take it as aggression

I don't remember being offended by anyone here.

Are you sure?

And YOU outline the circle of loved ones to please fewer people, however, the orbit of thoughts took you to the wrong place, correct it.

you don't understand... it's not about the circle of loved ones in principle.... and it's certainly not about wanting to please.....

it's just that if happiness in life comes from pleasing everyone, but it is not realistic and unattainable.....


ok sorry if i offended anyone....... there's a song by nikolsky...

when you realize with your mind

♪ that you're alone in the world ♪

and the road to loneliness is so long.

♪ it's easy to live ♪

and you think of death

like the last drop of bitter wine / / Nikolsky.

And even worse ---- chipping on a massive scale..... total control..... and use as cattle... it used to seem like science fiction, but it's already there and it's a fact.... it's not like everyone's thoughts and feelings can be taken away yet .... soon they will... shit I'll be there.....
Well, good night, everyone... I'll be like the pig-saurus-- pardon my liver) ..........
And even worse ---- chipping on a massive scale..... total control..... and use as cattle... this used to seem like science fiction, but it's already there and it's a fact.... it's not like everyone's thoughts and feelings can be taken away yet .... soon they will... damn it, I'll be there.....
The solution - to develop their inner world, where the master himself, and the outer pay less attention and you will stop to irritate him, because it is a community with its incomprehensible laws of society. Many of the laws of the community we do not understand. For example, in every class there are otlichniki and otlichniki, gathered into one class all the excellent pupils, there were two otlichniki and two excellent pupils. The same thing happened to the losers.