[Archive! - page 183


the right idea...

Very possibly. That's not what's funny, what's funny is that for fifty years there have been specialized traffic safety institutes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs designing traffic management schemes at intersections, and in the end it's a semi-literate secretary-general who decides. Khrushchev, or now Putin/Medvedev.
Dima has already made the country laugh once with zero alcohol, you fucking humanitarian. As soon as a person assumes high office, their cheeks light up with divine light and they start talking about things they didn't understand in their previous lives.
Putin has endorsed the idea of turning at a red light - http://www.autonews.ru/autobusiness/news.shtml?2011/08/03/1692903 - I can't imagine how pedestrians should cross the road :(

The idea is good, but the problem is that drivers often forget to let those who drive in the main section of the traffic light (under the right green arrow), the idea of driving through a red light is as doomed to failure as the idea of a small alcoholic intoxication (a bottle of beer)

SZZY: And in general, the government's constant "care" for motorists is very confusing, it feels like autoVAZ rules here too.



The idea of running a red light is as doomed to failure as the idea of drinking a small amount of alcohol (a bottle of beer)

ZS: And in general, very confused by the constant "care" of the state for motorists, the feeling that autoVaz rules here, too

You should at least read google before writing nonsense about your people.

As a resident of the country where this rule works, I find it very useful, because it relieves traffic and nerves significantly.

ZS: And in general, very confused by the constant "care" of the state for motorists, it feels like autoVaz rules here too
Uh, no. "Hot" laws on traffic rules, "fighting" against blinkers, "toughening" laws against extremism, paedophiles and laser pointers are designed to create the illusion of hard work and constant work of the legislative bodies. Otherwise they will come in with stupid laws on compulsory declaration of expenses, criminalisation of excess income over expenses and reinstatement of confiscation of property for bribe-takers.

You should at least read google before writing nonsense about your people.

As a resident of a country where this rule works, I find it very useful because it relieves traffic and nerves.

You should check the media in a country you know nothing about and maybe you'd realize that traumatic gunfire at the intersection, beatings in traffic and a couple of Hummers stopped at the intersection with men "to say hello - long time no see" are not the things invented by tabloids.

well there's no point in arguing with you, you already know everything, you should understand something

granit77: The illusion of hard work and the constant busyness of the legislature
Yeah, I wish this illusion did not get in the way of living peacefully, because if you don't watch TV for a month you see so many laws passed by, and some have already been repealed, while the ones that were not passed a year ago are still not enacted
Don't confuse tasty and sour. Otherwise you'll come to the point of removing all lifts from houses because some people go to the toilet there.
IgorM: Yeah, I wish this illusion didn't get in the way of living peacefully, because if you don't watch TV for a month you see so many laws passed by, and some have already been repealed, and the ones that were not passed a year ago are still not enacted
Oh, come on. I watch TV once every few months, and that's under pressure. The computer replaces everything: there's more freedom of choice there than on zombie TV.

"Here's to sucking up to the fatherland!" (.... sneaks up unnoticed)



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