[Archive! - page 18

A camel walks in the desert, can hardly drag its feet from the heat.
.......... ....
- Shit... Must be freezing
This joke sounds better when instead of a gazelle it's a marmot and instead of a camel it's a hedgehog with a hangover. :)
And not just hummingbirds. I once took a baby sparrow, which had not yet learned to fly, very gently into my arms. And he died shortly afterwards, apparently frightened out of his wits by a heart attack.
A friend of mine caught a mouse while picking potatoes at the vegetable farm. It bit him and died. And my friend was hounded for years by all the divisional witches.
Why such misfortune for THIS society?
Or could it be that misfortune brings people together like the Soviet people did during the Great Patriotic War?

What was he banned for and for how long?

Maybe under an amnesty?

Why such misfortune for THIS society?
Or could it be that misfortune brings people together like the Soviet people did during the Great Patriotic War?
Too bad it won't be like that in Russia. :(
It's a pity there won't be one in russia. :(

That doesn't sound good.


that doesn't sound good.

As it is.

There :

People keep their cool and try to help each other. The prices of food are going down in the shops, there are no quarrels in the queues and no attempts to get ahead. Everybody is in the same situation, it's hard for everybody. It is the character of the Japanese: to do a shameful deed means to lose face and a sense of dignity and self-respect.

We have Okhlobystin all over the airwaves :

PS And the worst thing is that he's not programming behaviour any more, he's reinforcing a stereotype that has been firmly established in society.


In Russia, it's not going to be like that...

Vitya: And getch was banned for what and for how long?
Forever. But he has another incarnation. Look it up.
Forever. But he has another incarnation. Look it up.

All reincarnation.

I wonder if yosuf is also someone else's reincarnation?

Maybe it's the scary NIROBA !!!!

(just changed his religion)