[Archive! - page 17

Remove, please, not the kind of information that is good for dissemination. May have the opposite effect.
OK, done.
Because the moderators here are so...
...they're blocking all my foul language, the bastards!
Work to do, football to do :)


Well, here goes. I'm thinking of buying a monitor.


Who has any experience?

Late response.

I've worked with TN, xVA, IPS monitors. My impressions (all IMHO):

TN - cheap (very), it's good to watch movies, toys. For a long time work is not an option, colours swim depending on viewing angles (especially vertically). However, I have to give credit to the developers - in recent models it has become much better.

xVA - deep black, good viewing angles, but colours feel very "cold", not natural. It makes my eyes tired from working for a long time.

IPS is expensive (sometimes even very expensive), black colour is not exactly black (especially noticeable in the dark) . But! "Soft", natural colours, excellent viewing angles. Eyes when working for a long time practically never get tired.

Regarding the "widescreen".

Nowadays monitors with 1920x1080 resolution are widespread - I really miss those 120 pixels vertically (up to 1200).

Peter, if you can, get something like NEC 2690WUXi or NEC 2490WUXi (of course, it's better to see it in work - everyone has different eyes).


Owls swallows online.

The outside and inside of the nest.





Not a hummingbird, but a future corpse of a hummingbird. They die if you pick them up by hand.
Not hummingbirds, but the future corpse of a hummingbird. They die if you pick them up by hand.
I didn't know that. Thank goodness I didn't manage to catch any, they're too fast.

Not hummingbirds, but the future corpse of a hummingbird. They die if you pick them up by hand.
And not just hummingbirds. I once took a chick of a sparrow that hadn't yet learned to fly very gently into my hands. And he soon died, apparently with a heart attack from the fright.
... probably had a heart attack from the scare.
A camel walks in the desert, dragging its legs with the heat. Look, a gazelle runs past
, briskly and cheerfully. The camel says to him:
- Listen, buddy, how can you run in this heat?
I can barely move my legs.
- And I get a breeze when I run, and I get chilly. You try it yourself!
Well, the camel rushed off and disappeared behind the barkhan, and the gazelle followed him
. He ran and ran and looked: the camel was lying there with his tongue out
and wasn't even breathing.
- Oh, man... Probably frozen...