EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 3) - page 313

Who's looking at Murray levels? Being in an extreme oversold zone ? Will it just redraw on further upside ?
I've got mine:)
For 10 minutes we stood practically at the same point
the wads of money being printed out.
2011.03.18 19:54:47 *WSJ: Trichet says events in Japan have not prompted a "new message" on interest rates
So the ECB is going to raise interest rates
2011.03.18 19:54:47 *WSJ: Trichet says events in Japan have not prompted a "new message" on interest rates
So the ECB is going to raise interest rates
My soul, you are a fundamentalist and understand the responsibility of the move. The eu has made this mistake once before and the market started playing up the interest rate increase, but when it comes to the matter, they will just say sorry, fellows...

I think a correction to 1.4144 and then a 3rd wave is possible.

My soul, you are a fundamentalist and understand the responsibility of this step, especially since the ECB has already made this mistake once, and the market has long started to play the interest rate hike, and when it comes to the matter, they just wave their hands and say we failed, sorry, fellas
I wrote that they are going to raise it, not going to raise it. Naturally, things can change, but at the moment it is a reason for the eu to go up... And from 1.4138 the eu started to rise exactly on the comments of Trichet...

stranger, are you still with us?

Stop watching The Simpsons... We're better than...

I wrote that they are going to raise, not going to raise. Naturally, things can change, but at the moment it is a reason for the eu to rise.... And from 1.4138 the eu started to rise precisely on the comments of Trichet...
No, I mean that for many people the comments are like a command to open up!