EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 3) - page 961

The neckline has been reached on thedaily EUR chart. Should now turn north.
The neckline has been reached on the daily EUR chart. Should now turn north.

I don't see the head and me...

Thank you! Eurodollar sell closed with a trailing stop, +114 bucks.

Can we move on?

Thank you! Eurodollar Sell closed with a trailing stop, +114 bbl.

Well done!

appeared ? )))) and we got bored )))

what's the scoop today ? )))

17 high day - 19 low day - that's for Ghana

on the 11th, it was a high day on all pairs or markets

I got a sell order on AUD USD from the 11th and I will close it today at 22


When I do not know what kind of price I want to place in the chart, I try to place it on a different price chart. Basically, it doesn't make any difference what kind of Ma... I can do it without it, but it's easier with it (or I just got used to it)...

your graph is fine as it is... remove the fractals so they don't hinder the view of the price ))))

Imho everything of course ...

I can't do it without fractals, they don't bother me, I just made the graph smaller to save it.

Thank you for the indicator, I like it.


I can't see the head and shoulders... show me...

exactly (and i posted a screenshot of the first resistance) i think it will break through to 1,40 and from there you can expect a good correction to 1,44 (if all people go to baiji, the correction may not be at 1,37)

Well yes it did !!!


And I wrote the same thing about the move down this morning.

I think that's it now.

Gone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now we're tariffing !!!

There should be a bounce up for Monday and Tuesday.

and then unfortunately down to your 1.37, but I have a slightly different mark coming out there, at 1.3680 or so, although it doesn't matter ))))


Can't do without the fractals, they don't get in the way, I just made the chart smaller to save it.

Thanks for the indicator, I liked it.

I'm not thankful to me, but to the author... when you put it in the dashboard, you have to adjust it to your needs... it's not a bad indicator...

I I had my head and shoulders broken the day before yesterday...that's why I asked...

now we're facing resistance...