EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 3) - page 900


Congratulations to all forum members !!!! Happy Victory Day!!! Alow bow and gratitude to our grandparents and great-grandparents and an everlasting memory to those who have fallen for the Motherland. We will never forget your heroic deeds and will carry the memory of you in our hearts and eternal gratitude for giving us life!!!!


I join in congratulations...

on the euros I think the head to shoulders formation... we'll see...


Greece will not be let go from the euro zone

Eurozone finance ministers rule out Greece leaving the monetary union, Deutsche Welle reports.

After the meeting ended on the night of 7 May, the head of the Eurogroup, Luxembourg Finance Minister Jean-Claude Juncker called speculation on the subject "silly ideas". "This is a path we will never take. We don't want the euro zone to be in turmoil for no reason," he stressed.

The representative of the Ministry of Finance in Athens said that the economic situation in Greece was considered in Luxembourg, but the issue of a possible exit from the euro zone was not only not on the agenda, but was not even touched on the sidelines of the meeting.

Earlier, the media reported that the government in Athens was allegedly discussing the possibility of leaving the euro zone, introducing a national currency.

Greece has denied rumours of its impending exit from the eurozone and a return to a national currency. "Reports that Greece is going to leave the eurozone are untrue. Such rumors reflect negatively on Greece, the euro exchange rate, and provide fertile ground for market speculation," said Greek Deputy Finance Minister Philippos Sahinidis.


Seven people from the Forum are already using our strategy and have increased their deposit in a week, and the spread is 0.8 per lot.

Show me a screenshot of the indicator(s) for interest...(just to make it clearer)


And already 7 people from the Forum are using our strategy and have increased their deposit in a week, and the spread is 0.8 per lot.

I would also like to see the indicators ))))

And for two lots what is the spread? 1.6?


So far everything is according to plan:

First we have to test the level from which we bounced back so up...

The markup was made at the beginning of last week...


I join in congratulations...

on the euros I think the head-shoulder formation... we'll see...

By the way, it's quite possible that this is the future head and shoulders.

And already 7 people from the forum are using our strategy and have increased their deposit in a week, and the spread is 0.8 per lot.

And how does one become the 8th person? I think you were talking about signals but I don't see them.

Listen to the demo mellifluous. I can laugh at your result. Secondly, I did not pips, and the signals were given. And not at 1500 pps, and 16000 pps. In third, I am generally netarguyu with 0.05 lots, and in addition to your enviable theme I targuyu with 1.00 lot to 8.00 lot. And below 15.000 EUR in a month, I haven't seen on my deposit for a long time. And 7 people from the forum have already used the strategy and increased their deposit in a week, and the spread is 0.8 per lot. And you can go on fighting and taking a shit.

I don't give a shit what you have (or think you have). You're making pips here as a trade (you're not the only one who can do ana.... as you made sure?). Actually this thread is trends, forecasts, and you with paid signals will fly out of here - that's where the reviews will start :( (. (Tell your fables about lots and euras to suckers).

I don't give a shit what you have (or are making it up). You're making pips here as a trade (you're not the only one who can do ana.... as you made sure?). Actually this thread is trends, forecasts, and you with paid signals will fly out of here - that's where the reviews will start :( (. (Tell your fables about lots and euras to suckers).
Me, you really pity. I pity you. Maybe you lost more than one deposit and now you can't find your place. And here I am, giving you signals. That's why you're torn apart. (I'm not the one who's picking you up.) I truly feel sorry for you. I apologized to you two or three weeks ago. But you still can't get over it. Maybe you should see a psychologist. Do you understand yourself? Sort yourself out, then judge yourself. You know, it's not nice. If you were any wiser than I am.