EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 3) - page 898


The earth's magnetic field and the sun's influence decided to make an analysis - There is such apparatus which registers the magnetic field - the sun and the earth, ultraviolet and so on

Here is for example the data - I decided to take the euro dollar pair before and after the fall for example here is the data of this station

3 days before the fall of the euro dollar pair -

2 days before the fall -

1 day before the fall.

And this is the day of the fall.

Bottom line - that most pairs reacted to magnetic storms or solar activity -

But did my personal analysis of pairs that yes before the fall growth - 1 - 2 days there is such activity - the sun or magnetic field or I do not know how to call it

But for some reason it affects the exchange rates or it is just a coincidence - facts that only I want to see -


And that's the day of the fall -

Bottom line - that most pairs reacted to magnetic storms or solar activity -

But did my personal analysis of the pairs that yes before the fall growth - in 1 - 2 days there is such activity - the sun or magnetic field or I do not know how to call it

But for some reason it affects the exchange rates or it is just a coincidence - facts that only I want to see -

So that's how old man Soros collapsed gold.
So that's how old man Soros collapsed gold.

Bummer ))))))))))))


Don't make fun of Mixon, he is apparently yosuf's brother. Only focused on metaphysics.
I don't know if my indicators show a fall all day Monday. I feel we'll get there, but I got there in time) now I'm at +250 )))))
The cash on the balance sheets of all banks operating in the United States fell from $1571.1 billion to $1547.9 billion over the week, but the balance sheets of foreign banks operating in the United States set a new record at an incredulous $804.3 billion, meaning they hold over half of all cash in the US banking system, while their assets account for 14.7% of US banking system assets. Cash now accounts for 44.9% of assets of foreign banks operating in the US. Foreign banks have stopped funding in the US, bringing almost all of their capital back, and their external offices are owed a modest US$7.9bn, up from $465bn in mid-December 2010. For the first time since 2001, foreign banks have effectively stopped funding in the US, with extremely low rates and huge free liquidity in the US banking system and have effectively gone into cash. This is the data as of 27 April, published with a slight delay. After the banks have amicably disposed of external assets and gone into cash, the dollar has "suddenly" turned around, we are sitting in dollar cache, enjoying life...

Hi there !

After digging around, I found this thing in Excel ()like a Gunn calculator().

Stranger, and anyone else who is into Gunn, please give me your feedback on this thing.

I did not work with it, so I do not even know what to put in what.

Maybe someone will figure it out.

Files:  89 kb

Here are Ghana's tools are very accurate - and reliable - but you have to deal with them, I've read about 3 books about Ghana - great man!

the ganzilla program can be downloaded here