EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 3) - page 808




Important trading levels for EUR/USD

15:33, 26.04.2011
$1.4770/80 strong offers

$1.4750 intermediate offers

$1.4720/25 minor offers

$1.4685/700 strong offers to barrier $1.4700/$1.4686 technical level

$1.4660 intermediate offers approaching/stops

$1.4653 intraday European high (new 2011 high), Asia $1.4588

$1.4615 ***current level

$1.4605/00 intermediate demand / large option expiry $1.4600

$1.4585/80 intermediate demand / stops

$1.4550 intermediate demand

$1.4510/00 intermediate demand/$1.4500 option expiry

$1.4494 intraday Asian low

Thank you!

Again the US complains of a "new handicap":

US Treasury Secretary Geithner: High oil prices are an obstacle to economic growth


Again the US complains of a "new handicap":

US Treasury Secretary Geithner: High oil prices are an obstacle to economic growth

I wonder what they expected when they launched the operation against Gaddafi, that the price would drop smoothly to $2
I'm waiting for some kind of trick to come out of Bernanke's speech, what is he thinking after 97 years of silence). What if he defaults (just kidding)
Things are really bad in Greece, I just heard on RBC.
The US will lose its status as the world's greatest economy in five years, according to The Daily Mail. According to a study by the International Monetary Fund, China will overtake the US in economic performance as early as 2016, marking "the end of the American century".

"This means that it doesn't matter who wins the 2012 presidential election: the next US head of state will rule the country as it falls," the paper writes.

World analysts have talked before about China's imminent emergence as the world's economic leader. However, this is the first time a concrete time estimate has been made, the paper notes.

If the IMF forecasts come true and communist China overtakes the "greatest democracy in the world", the fate of the dollar, the exchange rate of which is already weakening in international markets, will be called into question. The day before the international rating agency Standard & Poor's lowered the long-term rating outlook for the US from "stable" to "negative". The rating outlook "shows the possible direction of rating movement in the next two-three years".

Now the U.S. national debt is $ 14.294 trillion, that is almost 100% of GDP, the budget deficit this year will reach a record $1.5 trillion, experts predict.

A few weeks ago, U.S. President Barack Obama presented a long-term plan to reduce the budget deficit: in 10 years it should be reduced by $3 trillion, and in 12 years by $4 trillion. Obama proposed to do it by eliminating income tax benefits for the rich (families with incomes above $250,000), introduced under George Bush, also reducing spending on defense, health and agriculture.

The press is really tabloid, but the article is interesting, especially I liked the highlighted line about tax breaks for the rich.

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A correction is possible, but for now we are generally looking up


Current view, but think break and consolidation above 1.4646 will cancel this option

We need to fall now, otherwise the (e) wave of the triangle will get an impulse, which will nullify the triangle as such....