EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 3) - page 509


For the Euro, 1.4278 is the upper limit of the 3-year downtrend. This may be the limit of the rise.

I think we might bounce back down after all.

Yes, that's why I put TP at 4270, because I don't think we will go past that level. But then again, the fibs have targets at 1.43, 1.4350 and 1.44.

But it would be more ideal to do 4270-80 and rush down.


posted this picture a long time ago... but the targetets are still alive... should bounce off 2 targetets


Yeah, that's why I put the TP at 4270, because I don't think we'll pass that boundary. But then again, the fibs have targets of 1.43, 1.4350 and 1.44.

But it would be more ideal to do 4270-80 and rush down.

But I think that it will not go down too, at least till April 7 (ECB rate). There will be some jerking back and forth, testing the strength, knocking out stops.

For the Euro, 1.4278 is the upper limit of the 3-year downtrend. This may be the limit of the rise.

I think we will bounce back down after all.

It's not good to think - we have to wait.

Good thing the foundation nullified my alternative with a rise to 1.6 =))

Prepared in advance with Portugal etc. =)


Good thing the foundation nullified my alternative with a rise to 1.6 =))

Prepared in advance with Portugal etc. =)

What about her?

Well there's a default looming. And the rest of the countries like Spain and KO will not give the EuR the prospect of growth right now. A decline would be the right thing to do.

Better to ask Margaret I think =)


Get ready for some serious rollercoaster action! ))))))


So far so good.

More news for today: the Irish banks' stress tests, the results of which will be published today at around 19:30 MSK.