EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 3) - page 323


Is anyone considering this option?

Strictly to the north - canals.


are these quotes interestingly not their own )))) where do they get them at the weekend?

For some reason everyone thinks it is normal to live by the "laws" written by those who steal from us, and to "clarify" them for others. Are you people all right?

"+1000... Stranger is the only person I know a little and who sees the true 'truth'... "

Just why is it that those who voted for the writing "laws" by which they themselves are ripping us off, then start ""clarifying" ...for others" - "Are you people OK?"


"...If there is sufficient profit, capital becomes bold. Provide 10 per cent and capital agrees to any use. At 20 per cent. it becomes lively, at 50 per cent. it is prepared to break its head, at 100 per cent. it defies all human laws, and at 300 per cent. there is no crime which it would not risk the gallows to commit.

К. Marx

"Capital," Ch. 24.

"+1000... SEVER11 is the only person I know a little and who sees the true 'truth'... "

There are inaccuracies and lags in the execution of the plan for Q1 by the schedule created by the "infernal machine", but the similarity of the overall picture is impressive.

Q2 and Q3 are you going to lighten up?



A painfully familiar screen... :-))

There are some errors and backlogs in the first quarter's schedule created by the "infernal machine", but the similarity of the overall picture is impressive.

Q2 and Q3 are you not going to light it up?


...I forgot, I'll get in touch with my work com and send it from there

Forecast of March 9 and March 16: "study"... No questions, I don't know how it works... as this car was inherited from Uncle "Scrooge" and the working principle is unknown :-))


do you dare to suggest that by the end of the year we will have 1.75???

I remember you posted an image like this


Please don't take that as a criticism, it's just a thought.

do you dare to suggest that by the end of the year we will have 1.75???

I remember you posted an image like this

I remember perfectly this first option in xls, but if you look at these screenshots, I think you can see the conditions ... I'm not encouraging you to trade, it's just for fun :-)) . And if it does happen, I will be very happy for "Niroba" ... His prediction will come true. It is easier for me to trade downwards, upwards and I do not break my head.