EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 3) - page 234

Still, I'm in favour of a reduction. There's still nothing to offer on the upside. See you all tomorrow!

6 European states have expressed their intention to block contributions to ESFS/ESM. Doesn't that pull the pips down by 100 pips?


6 European states have expressed their intention to block contributions to ESFS/ESM. Doesn't that pull the pips down by 100 pips?

Depends on where this information comes from...
Still, I'm in favour of a reduction. There's still nothing to offer on the upside. See you all tomorrow!
The americans are in favour of a lower dollar. It has to do with buying back treasuries. They want to buy them at a low price so they can sell them at a higher rate. That's the politics...

Insider. Another anecdote for today. Slovakia "Do you want us to save Greece for you?


Insider. Another anecdote for today. Slovakia "Do you want us to save Greece for you?"

I got that from Akmos:

Slovakia: do you want us to save Greece?

- The amount of money a country will contribute to the bailout fund in order to increase it should depend on the state's economic situation
- The current rules for contributing to an increase in the size of the EFSF are not suitable for poorer countries
- Expansion of the EFSF should be based on increasing guarantees wherever possible

Slovakia was not the only country which was outraged by the contributions to the ESFS/ESM. Six European states have expressed their intention to block the deal if the terms are not changed, knowledgeable sources report.


6 European states have expressed their intention to block contributions to ESFS/ESM. Doesn't that pull the pips down by 100 pips?

In the context of 17 countries - this figure does not mean anything yet... Secondly, a lot can still change... Thirdly, at the moment this is not the kind of news that can change anything...

Noterday has enough for a kickback)




The main thing is that they are showing off, and how much is a question of time...