Is it worth the hassle? - page 12


What the hell is a carrie-trade? Carry trade involves holding a pose for six months or more, and you're flipping a few times a day. )))

Don't take people for idiots.


3 hours ago, when you were selling AUD, it wasn't "interesting in a carry trade" yet?


ZS By the way AUD on the higher TFs (D1, W1 and MN) is a good time to sell.

No need to twist my words, I meant the AUD's no-holds-barred move to the north, that is one of the main reasons for such a move. Capital is flowing from Japan to Australia.

Mathemat 29.03.2011 19:55

Prizma, I can't keep up with you. Somehow we have to agree on the format of the signals, so they can be put into the same table.

You have till Friday night.

The integral result of buying euros with partial closures I calculated as +20. Do you agree with this result?

Let it be 20 p.


Therefore I am closing at 1.0259,

Buy AUD/USD, on the opposite signal, 1.0257 TP 1.0340 SL 1.0200.

Teach me how to make +2p on the flip? I may want to work on the signal, but I don't know how to do it. In fact, why these calculations and systems, if you can roll over 10 times a day and have a profit of 10x2p=20p? In a month it will be 400p and without drawdowns and risk.

When I mentioned the carry trade I was referring to the AUD's no-holds-barred move to the north,

So the carrie-trade started three hours ago?


. Capital is flowing from Japan to Australia.

And tomorrow when AUDUSD falls will you say that capital is flowing from Australia to Japan?


So the carry trade started three hours ago?

And tomorrow when the AUDUSD falls will you say that capital is flowing from Australia to Japan?

You are thinking more abstractly, did the northward move start today?
Teach me how to get +2p on a flip? I may have a desire to work out a signal and I don't know how to do it. Why should I bother with all these systems and calculations if I may roll over 10 times a day and have profit 10x2p=20p? You may make 400p a month without any drawdown or risk.
You close the open position and only after that you open the opposite one, and during this time the price changes and then you get "So I close at 1.0259,

Buy AUD/USD, on a reverse signal, 1.0257 TP 1.0340 SL 1.0200"

You are thinking more abstractly, did the north movement start today?
Why in that case would you sell AUDUSD against this move?
You close the open position and only after that you open the opposite one, and during this time the price changes and then you get "Therefore I close at 1.0259,

Buy AUD/USD, on a reverse signal, 1.0257 TP 1.0340 SL 1.0200".

That's my question: HOW do you take these 2 pips from the market on a reversal?

If you have such a wonderful gift, you don't need anything else - no signals, don't you think?


So my question is: HOW do you take these two points from the market in a flip?

If you have such a wonderful gift, you don't need anything else - no signals, do you think?

So there is no such gift, do you see a similar situation in my other trades?
So this gift does not exist, do you see a similar situation in my other trades?

I haven't.

Start a demo account (if you don't have money for a real one) and post the investment password. There will be no stupid questions. It's been a month now, but it's no use. No statistics. But anyone who wants to log in and see what he needs. In six months or a year, if you really have at least a demo profit, you will have some confidence.