Either I was blind or it was like that before - moving averages - page 3


Are the filters made like this?

SMA(P1) - SMA(P2)

and T3(P1) - T3(P2)

It is not clear why your filters are better than the goat filters, firstly you cannot see the graph, and secondly, if the market changes, will you regenerate them?

You can't see the chart, because I have shown you the filters. It would be strange if I wanted to show filters but showed a chart. No one has forbidden or hindered me from looking at the chart. By the way, it makes sense to draw only low-pass filters in the chart window itself (instead of MA), I have bandpass filters drawn (instead of AO or MACD).

What the expression "the market will change" means, I don't understand. I have never observed such a phenomenon.


You can't see the graph, because I was showing the filters. It would be strange if I wanted to show filters but showed a graph. No one has forbidden or hindered me from looking at the chart. By the way, it makes sense to draw only low-pass filters in the chart window itself (instead of MA), I have bandpass filters drawn (instead of AO or MACD).

What the expression "the market will change" means, I don't understand. I have never observed such a phenomenon.

You didn't have to answer that question. The man is completely unprepared.

These are the filters I use myself:

1 subwindow - standard embedded filters of MT4.

2nd subwindow - 2nd order Bessel, Butterworth, Chebyshev filters.

3rd subwindow - window decomposition of different orders. The order is indicated next to the method.


Are the filters made like this?

SMA(P1) - SMA(P2)

and T3(P1) - T3(P2).

Yes, if I've got it right. If P1 and P2 are the order of MA and P1<P2, then the 1st formula is correct.

The SMA is also a digital filter. Determine its cutoff frequency Fc and calculate whatever filter you want with the same cutoff frequency. All that remains is to subtract the other from one.


Yes, if I've got it right. If P1 and P2 are the MA order and P1<P2, then the 1st formula is correct.

It doesn't have to be. If the condition is not met, an inversion will occur.

It was possible not to answer that question. The man is not prepared at all.

For fuck's sake, explain what the filters are then, or point me to where to read. And explain why you think that the market cannot change so much that your digital filters will not stop working like any other indicators.
Perhaps you should go to WIKI and read up on 3rd order elliptic curves.
And explain why you don't think the market can change so much that your digital filters won't stop working like any other indicators.
Give me one example of an indicator that worked and then stopped working. And give at least one example of how the market changes. Preferably with pictures.
Is there a simpler way to explain it, without sectarianism and Latter-day Saint churches?
Give me one example of an indicator that worked and then stopped. And at least one example of how the market changes. Preferably with pictures.
Take the SMA 50 and SMA 7 curve and look at the results of crossovers in 2010 and 2001, for example