create an expert for mt4 using a programme made in exel - page 29


What makes you think that the Fourier domain representation of a signal can't be used for something more clever than reverse transforming and attributing the beginning of the signal to its end? Actually, that's the last thing on your mind. Your assertion, however, can be reworded roughly as follows: "everyone knows that two times two is four, so if someone's calculations include two times two, he's a fool, because whatever you do with it afterwards, you'll still get four." Sounds a bit silly, you must admit. If your study of Fourier analysis has not progressed beyond what you yourself have just described, I can only sympathise with you.

Every transformation is valid if and only if there is an alternative inverse transformation, like the Laplace or Carson-Haviside transformations that revolutionised differential and intrinsic calculus, turning differential equations into algebraic ones, and vice versa, mind you! Try to reconstruct the original function from the terms of the expanded series, no one has yet succeeded.

Completely frivolous interpretation ;) - About the identity. As for 2x2 - can you give me an example where you can get something other than 4 by identity transformations?

If your study of Fourier analysis has gone so far that you can no longer see the limits of the method's applicability, I can sympathize with you in turn ;)...

Good luck.

Who said it would be easy? But the fact is that there are simpler processes than forex, and it works there, despite the sensations. In Forex it also works, but not always, because of that @fuckness. Therefore, we have added to the task of forecasting the situations when there is no need to make forecasts. We are not soldering a receiver to demand a whole signal at the output, pieces are enough for us, at least sometimes))

In Forex you cannot do without a forecast

yosuf 07.02.2011 05:03

А кто сказал, что будет легко? Но дело в том, что есть процессы попроще форекса, и там это дело работает, несмотря на осчущения. На форе -тоже работает, но не всегда, из-за той самой @лядскости. Поэтому к задаче прогнозирования прибавляется задача определения ситуаций, когда прогноз делать не стОит. Мы же не приемник паяем, чтобы требовать сигнал на выходе целиком, нам достаточно кусочков, хотя бы иногда))

В Форексе без прогноза не обойтись

stack paradontosis...



An inner certainty?


Can it be deciphered?

Or is it like - since it's published, it's right?

It's up to you to judge, at least the editorial team is checking out this nuance

It's up to you to assess, anyway, the editorial staff is checking this nuance

there's no reason to agree.

I haven't seen the report and the 'devil's advocate' nonsense is not engaging.

The editorial translates the formulas...

What else is there to add?

You'd better say - unequivocally!



Is this in place of the ISC?

The deviation square is usually in vogue

You know perfectly well that Gaussian ANC was invented for straight lines, you will find out how it is solved in the curvilinear version, and the results are the same as in the straight line case - full coincidence of actual and calculated values, as you have seen from the results of market price approximation

You are deaf and dumb!

Reply to the uncomplicated remarks above!

Otherwise, this "ARTICLE" is still being carried around.

There's an understanding, there's an answer.

And we've seen a lot of hysterics here...


Speak more clearly, please

You know perfectly well that Gauss ANC is designed for straight lines, you'll see how it is solved in the curvilinear version and the results are the same as in the straight line ones, there is full coincidence of actual and estimated values, as you have seen from approximation of market prices

Is this written without smoking?


That's hilarious...

Do you even know the module?


I am listening - holding my breath.

The law is for everyone!

And that's right - with measure.

If you're 100-one res...

but I won't interrupt the Guru.

Hodja Yusuf!

could you decipher this thesis a little more?

If there is a process, and there is an inherent pattern to it - is there no right solution other than Gam functions - what will it be like in a moment?

Why don't you try