create an expert for mt4 using a programme made in exel - page 27


You will get the know-how as a result of discussion, you cannot squeeze it all into one report.

Do not make the audience laugh.

If there was something to translate, many people would translate it (MetaDriver and I (together with Sorento ;) offered it disinterestedly).

Go back to the topic of the thread and you will sober up.

And I take it there are none - it's just that the author of the idea has pulled the function he likes by the ears and fits its parameters to the market area... Well, yes, some kind of regression model, but that doesn't mean it's "Universal". One look at the gamma distribution function is enough to understand that it cannot describe all possible processes.

Why didn't you want to notice the co-precision of the robot's approximation of the input data, which is shown many times in the "balance" row?

Why didn't you want to notice the co-precision of the robot's approximation of the raw data, which is shown many times in the "balance" line?

Is that instead of an OLS?

The square of the deviation is usually in vogue

Gentlemen, will the report be available to mere mortals?

Of course, but the mql5 administration knows when it is released and they check all 19 basic formulas for novelty so as not to damage the company's reputation - that is their right

You will see that the emergence of the G-function is not random, and the way and attempt to find the "right function" in the case of market price is, I think, a dead end.

Of course, but the mql5 administration knows when it's released. They check all basic 19 formulas for novelty so as not to affect the company's reputation.

You are deaf and dumb!

Reply to the uncomplicated remarks above!

Otherwise, this "ARTICLE" is still being carried around.

There's an understanding, there's an answer.

And we've seen a lot of hysterics here...



Miracles. And what is she going to popularise?

MQL5 4?

Or their future users?


Russia and Tajikistan!

Russia and Tajikistan!

Are you serious?

Or in a polemical fervour?

Like there is a conspiracy to prevent?


And they're not mine, they're Laplace's.)

If you want to discuss it, I'll give you a message. In application to a series with discrete time the Laplace transform is not used in its pure form, it is reduced to so-called Z-transformation, and they are translated to each other by simple replacement z = exp(s*T), where T is sampling period. So, the damped (and not only divergent) sine-cosines are obtained when we perform inverse transformation from z- (or s-) domain to time domain: in doing so we have to perform integration over a contour on the complex plane covering the convergence domain and all image poles (there is a mistake in wikipedia - it says "covering subtractions"). Just on this closed contour, because z will take values with different real and imaginary parts, our sine-cosines emerge: the real part of the exponent, recall, corresponds to damping parameter (or divergence, if it is positive), imaginary part to circular frequency. We obtain approximately the same principle as in the Fourier transform - only the exponent exponents do not have a real part there. So, the Z-transform is a generalization of the discrete Fourier transform and the latter is obtained from Z by selecting the unit circle z = exp(jw) as the integration contour.

I hope you are familiar with complex analysis, otherwise it would be difficult to explain...

from the report you will see the triumph of the operations of differential and integral calculus.

You'll see from the report the triumph of differential and integral calculations.


They say Vinina has the report - or rather he says so himself.

Roche ennobles 'THE ARTICLE'... DDD

Maybe while the "this and that!" report is being declassified?

Maybe we're all wrong.

Look, the function worked!