Trace task (constructing a function graph) - page 7
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Admittedly, I don't care for mcl 5 - but am glad that there
there are normal destructors and not "fancy" gc...


I don't really care for mcl 5 - but I'm glad there are
there are normal destructors and not "fancy" gc...

Don't get mad. Sharp has destructors too. :)
Checked it out. The solution is super. It somehow didn't occur to me that there is a possibility of automatic implicit call. I didn't remember about destructors.
Don't get too excited. Sharp has destructors too. :)

On scope?!
A destructor is when the execution of an instruction leaves the scope of a variable-
and the variable gets a destructor.
In Sharp, it's not a destructor, it's a finalize-er, just like in java.
And just because a method looks like a destructor doesn't mean anything.
And the parsing solution is still prettier :-P.


1) The out-of scope?!
A destructor is when the execution of an instruction leaves the scope of a variable-
and the variable has a destructor.
In Sharp, it's not a destructor, it's a finalize-er, just like in java.
And just because a method looks like a destructor doesn't mean anything.
2) And the parsing solution is still prettier :-P.

1. Still, don't get rowdy!

2. only this is the solution to the wrong problem. :-Ь



1. Still don't make a fuss!

Sharp has a means for "guaranteed and immediate" execution when leaving the realm. See using


Sharp has a means for "guaranteed and immediate" execution when leaving the live area. See using

As if that wasn't ugly...

2. only this is the solution to the wrong problem. :-Ь

Come on! The man wants to chart who-who-calls-who.
Static analysis is perfect.
1. As if it's not ugly...
2. Come on! The man wants to build a diagram of who-who-calls-who.
Static analysis is perfect.

1. It's fine. Usually the destruction time doesn't matter. When it doesn't give a shit it is used.


void VozmiSPolkiPirozhok()


if (you're right) VozmiSPolkiPirozhok();

else PolozhNaMesto();




void VozmiSPolkiPirozhok()
if (you are right) VozmiSPolkiPirozhok();
else PolozhNaMesto();

What's the point in drawing recursion?
This is already a recursion detector problem.
What's the point if you drew recursion?
This is already a recursion detector problem.

I just wanted to emphasise the difference between static text and a running programme.

The original request was for a trace to runtime. It's even the name of the topic. :)