Any questions from a PROFI to a SUPER PROFI - 1. - page 13

what if from the outside? and they are set up in a mosaic?
what if from the outside? and they are set up in a mosaic?
It's all the same. But excluded would be cases where a window is stretched and covers other windows. These too will be considered visible.

Each window in the mosaic has a different size. and some of it is visible. and some of it is in the substrate.

Without the current Z, I'm getting nonsense.

That's why I asked.


Does the visible part of the window count as visible?

In MT4 the active chart window is always at the top of the Z-sequence.


Does the visible part of the window count as visible?

In MT4 the active chart window is always at the top of the Z-sequence.

OK - I really can't find more than one active window in the mosaic.

And even worse - I don't know which other chart windows are visible to the user. even if it's a part of lower left/right/top corner.

If there are any solutions - thanks within reason!



OK - I really can't find more than one active window in the mosaic.

And even worse - I don't know what other graph windows are visible to the user, even if it's a piece of the lower left/right/top corner.

If there are any solutions - thanks within reason!


Ideal solution via Z-sequence + window sizes and positions.
Ideal solution via Z-sequence + window sizes and positions.

I'm old-fashioned. Can I get a link to the API? I can't see the layers.

I don't know from inside either.

Can I give you an example?

It's like a little toolbox coming in the bottom left corner of every visible window/graph...

and it has a symbol name on its face.

It would be instructive, if you ask me.


The problem from the first post in this thread has now been solved. It was an incorrect, untimely initialisation of classes.

Great, now I see it, so one of the UBs, of which there are plenty, in the initialisation of global variables especially.

I decided to change the library of some functions from mql5 to mql4.

But I ran into a problem, WinHttpConnect function from WinHttp.dll does not work:

#import "Winhttp.dll"
        int WinHttpOpen(string pwszUserAgent, int dwAccessType, string pwszProxyName, string pwszProxyBypass, int dwFlags);
        int WinHttpConnect(int hSession, string pswzServerName, int nServerPort, int dwReserved);

        int hSession=WinHttpOpen("MqlHttp", 0, "", "", 0);

        int hConnect=WinHttpConnect(hSession, "", 80, 0);
        if (hConnect<=0) Print("-Err create Connect");

hSession created successfully in the log and hConnect created unsuccessfully.

-Err create Connect

my initial thought is unicode for string types.
It all works on mql5, but it is unicode there but not on mql4.

here is msdn of WinHttpConnect declaration

HINTERNET WINAPI WinHttpConnect( HINTERNET hSession, LPCWSTR pswzServerName, INTERNET_PORT nServerPort, DWORD dwReserved);

Has anyone encountered this problem ?

and how can i pass a unicode string ?


decided to convert some functions library from mql5 to mql4.

But I ran into a problem, WinHttpConnect function from WinHttp.dll does not work:

Looked at WinHttpConnect(). It has no implementation for multibyte encoding.

Can a shell be made in a DLL and converted?