[Archive!] Any rookie question, so as not to clutter up the forum. Professionals, don't pass it by. Couldn't go anywhere without you - 2. - page 254


Good evening coronel!

I was referring to the function called inite();

"So I don't understand why you stress the importance of getting ticks in init(). "Because there's no problem getting data in start();...

Still interested in the opinion on RefreshRates();

function called inite() ??? Is your understanding of function init() correct? Or maybe I don't understand what you mean.

RefreshRates() will allow you to get the last price missed for some reason, but will not solve the tick collection issue...


Too much information in the Comm. It covers half the chart.

Maybe leave just the essentials?

This is a debug version, want to see flags of what's going on in the system. For that purpose only. I don't really need a graph, but I do need this information. How to improve readability...

The question is still relevant:)


function called inite() ??? Do you understand the function init() correctly? Or maybe I don't understand what you're talking about.

RefreshRates() will allow you to get the last price missed for some reason, but will not solve the issue of collecting ticks...

eddy suggested using RefreshRates() as an opportunity to check logically whether a new price value came in or not...))

I.e. not the issue of getting quotes through this function))


It's a debug version, you want to see flags of what's going on in the system. For that purpose only. I don't really need a graph, but I do need this information. How to improve the readability...

The question is still relevant:)

If you don't need a graph, turn it into a line, or better still, into candles and squeeze to the maximum.

"Candles" will, among other things, remove the glowing circles around the marks. It will become easier to read the comment.


If you don't need a graph, turn it into a line, or better still, into candles and squeeze to the maximum.

"Candles" will, among other things, remove the glowing circles around the marks. It will make it easier to read the comment.

Thanks ! But the thing is, that learning is important for me, i.e. a "crutch" in the form of compressed graphics would be useful of course, but I want to fool around in the code and experiment :) Just before RTFM-would like to see at a glance, maybe someone will advise a direction.
misspelled, meant while(true) { RefreshRates(); sleep(1); }


Your idea seems to be working...

int count = 0;
int init()
while (count != 1000){

if (RefreshRates() != false){

Print(RefreshRates(), "  ", Ask);
count = count + 1;


int deinit()
int start()

Someone please compile it...

Want to make sure it works correctly...

Can you please tell me how to write a negative indicator value in the condition? For example, if MACD < (-0.0003). I'm trying, it works with a positive one, but I can't see a negative one.
Can you tell me, the platform at startup always asks whether to make changes, how to remove this phenomenon, and most importantly, the platform can not be hidden because of this inconspicuously in the autorun?
Hold on, I'll figure it out myself.
Hold on, I'll figure it out myself.

You got it? Hollo! :)