"And we all put the right ANSWER and don't find the right question..." // W. Shakespeare.

"And you, friends, however you sit down...." // I. Krylov.

"And we all put the right ANSWER and don't find the right question..." // W. Shakespeare.
You are an amazing man, Peter. How is it possible to both trade successfully and read Shakespeare, figuratively speaking?

"And you, friends, however you sit down...." // I. Krylov.

May I lie down? )))

Richie: Удивительный вы человек, Пётр. Как можно и успешно торговать, и читать Шекспира, образно говоря?

How do you know, maybe it's Shakespeare who has the answer to the question of future profitability? )))

Svinozavr: Можно, я лягу? )))

You can lie down, you can stand up, you can sit down, but still everyone, in order to decide whether a grail is in front of him or not, must decide whether this grail will bring profit in the future and not in the past....)))) Or is anyone happy with profits in the past?
LeoV: One may lie down, one may stand up, one may sit down, but all the same everyone, in order to decide whether he/she has a grail or not, must decide whether this grail will bring profit in the future, and not in the past....)))) Or is anyone happy with profits in the past?

My guess is that if the grail has been profitable for 10 years, it will continue to be profitable, but with less and less profitability. Unless, of course, it is exploiting something that does not change over time.

Guys, I missed a bit, only a couple of dozen pages of the thread, can someone remind me clearly and distinctly what "grail" is? Because it may well be that one in 8 out of 10 has it.
Svinozavr: I have several educations. Including a philological one. "The Silver Age is the subject of my dissertation. But originally a techie...
I like numbers, you know! )))
So I have two. And one is technical. What's the use?
Guys, I'm a little missed, just a couple dozen pages, someone can remind clearly and distinctly, what is a "grail"? Because it may well be that every 8 out of 10 has one.

I haven't given that definition yet. I have only separated the concepts of an ideal grail and a non-ideal grail. I'll give it to you tomorrow. You give it to one person, the other will be unhappy - not enough or long :)