Again and again about taxes ... So, to pay or not to pay? - page 5

Happiness is in the quality of life of you and your family. You should listen less to Zadornov...

Zadornov has nothing to do with it. in your own house and the walls are warm. how old is this wisdom?
Happiness is in the quality of life of you and your family. Listen to Zadornov a little less...

compare quality of life with material possessions? then happiness is definitely not about that "quality of life". and material possessions do not come in generations. today they are a goal, tomorrow they are not. it changes like the melpomene

Or is it money that makes you happy? Have you seen many happy immigrants?

have you seen many happy people in general? Of those I know, no one is going to come back permanently, they come often, but they are not going to stay. This is not the soviet union, freedom of movement.

To compare quality of life with material goods? then happiness is definitely not about that "quality of life". and material goods don't come in generations. today they are a goal, tomorrow they are not. it changes like the melpomene.
So it's you who's comparing to mate benefits, not me. I too used to be a mouvement patriot, but have wised up now (family, kids) and you know, I want stability, peace and confidence in the future, and I'm tired of walking around on dirty streets with nazis walking on them.
Have you seen many happy people in general? Of those I know, no one is going back permanently, they come often, but they are not going to stay. This isn't the soviet union

I do not want to impose my opinion, but a person who decided to leave their homeland will certainly never be happy. the children of an emigrant? I doubt it. because in this case the diaspora is not as clustered and does not seek communication with those whom they consider relatives.

And if you have already mentioned Zadornov, it was not he who coined the words: clan, people, freak.


Or is it money that makes you happy? Have you seen many happy immigrants?

When they buy old technologies and industrial equipment from us, when their scientists and students come to work for us - because we have more opportunities for science and legal business, when we ask them if we can give you money as an investment - then you can reasonably say it.... in the meantime, since 1913 we have been catching up with them ... and like the fox in Grandpa Krylov's (Lafontaine, if you refer to the original ;) ) - ah, i can't get grapes, and i didn't really want to, and they're tasteless and spoiled .......
Happiness in general is a highly subjective and difficult concept to achieve. In any territory.
Happiness in general is a highly subjective and difficult concept to achieve. In any territory.

can we ask veterans if happiness is attainable or not? but do not take the last years of perestroika. it is a distemper. the distemper as a time goes away
For example, my daughter didn't go to her friend's birthday party today because in Moscow they are all under riot police control again. They are waiting for Nazis and Caucasians. This is also a quality of life thing
For example my daughter did not go to her friend's birthday party today because in Moscow everything is again organized by riot police. They are waiting for Nazis and Caucasians. That's a quality-of-life thing, too.

If Moscow is spoilt, it does not mean that "we should go abroad and not come back" and "everything is bad" and so on.

Moscow is not, and has never been, an indicator. they have made an example of it, compared it - yes, but it has never been an indicator.