variations on the WOC theme - page 6


i am not in the business of selling experts ...nor do i write to order ...illustration : " you will voice "workable constructions"..."

There is no illustration. as well as no construction...

One whisper of a nuisance.


The tambourine of the underworld description is missing.


There is no illustration. as well as no construction...

One whisper of a nuisance.


The tambourine of the lower world is lacking in description.

You asked me what I meant by workability, I showed you...

You asked me what I mean by workability - I showed you...

On a batter?

Or on a stochastic?

Lots of subjects - confused...

The "black box" is good if we trust the models.

but not the stats from past memory, but at least the market model.

And a tambourine - it's like a proof for many, just like a doodle is an order.


it's not a wok at all... it's just a visual representation of what I mean by the word performance... (distractedly)
it's not a wok... it's just a visual representation of what I mean by workable... (distractedly)

This is our visual pride!


GOST 1-24-666-2010




If I make a tester in MT4 that works on real ticks and optimize WOC on it...

What do you think about it?

Reshetov: Consult the psychiatrists. They specialise in obsessions in which what the patient wishes is perceived as real.

Thanks to such people, many discoveries and inventions were made which we all use now and which make up our standard of living. They were like Slava. They were vilified and they went ahead no matter what.


Thanks to such people, many discoveries and inventions were made which we all use now and which make up our standard of living. They were like Slava. They were vilified and they went ahead no matter what.

Are you serious?
Doberman101 21.12.2010 20:40 "If I make a tester in MT4 which works with real ticks and optimize WOC on it ..." And how do you do, do you have a history with real ticks or such a generator, which gives ticks very similar to the real ones?
granit77: Are you serious?

I know that Slava has been "fighting" for months, so his persistence is enviable. But, in this case, once again, the quantity "took precedence" over the quality and we got self-deception. Theoretically, this situation can be solved by increasing the quality of trades (expectation). There is only one way out - to transfer the principles of actions to a higher TF, figuratively speaking. Working with ticks does not seem serious to me. The question is whether there is a desire to work on it.