Mr Trader, how much money do you need to be happy? - page 16

I also thought it would work, but I must be a little weak in possession of hypnosis. Of course, turning off the lights cannot affect the direction already set, but the nerves are calmer when you see what is happening in the market and with the deposit, and instead of wise-assing someone, help him share a working system, give him a hint, for which you will thank a lot and you will be rewarded in the future.

OK, there are only two systems:

1. Buy when it grows

2. Buy when it goes down.

Most people use system 2, it's plum oddly enough.

Use system 1, use small stops, don't risk more than 1% of your capital on a trade and more than 10% a month.

And you will have great happiness, 20-30% per annum with about the same drawdown.

Oh, and don't forget to throw away your laptop and smash it against the wall.

The problem is that you can't really make a newcomer happy with limited resources!

That's not true, you made it up yourself or society imposed it on you: The problem is that you can't make real people really happy with limited resources!

The problem, failing, limited resources, yes you have already buried yourself alive. Veldemor your focus is on what you want to get rid of.

Focus on what you really want, not what you want to get rid of. It's like a river, one stream is fuller, the other dries up. You feel like everything is coming down on you, but you're the one who brought it on yourself.

Read the book Self-knowledge, you will be pleasantly surprised with the results.

Where do you live or reside

If you mean our present Russia, it's not that bad, in other countries it's much worse!

OK, there are only two systems:

1. Buy when it grows

2. Buy when it goes down.

Most people use system 2, it's a bust as strange as it sounds.

Use system 1, put small stops, do not risk more than 1% of your capital per trade, and per month more than 10%.

And you will have great happiness, 20-30% per annum with about the same drawdown.

Oh, and don't forget to throw away your laptop and smash it against the wall.

It's easier to get a better-paying job and not be so stressed out.

You might as well get a better-paying job and save yourself a lot of stress.

it depends on the deposit...



It's easier to get a better paying job and not fray your nerves with that kind of success.

Businessmen who open a shop or shop do not expect a 25% return on their investment within the first year. But for people who enter the speculative field, 25% is nothing. They are looking for 100%. And their calculations are flawed; they are unable to make speculation a business and manage it in terms of business principles.



Businessmen who open a shop or shop do not expect a 25% return on their investment within the first year. But for people who enter the speculative field, 25% is nothing. They are looking for 100%. And their calculations are flawed; they are unable to make speculation a business and manage it in terms of business principles.


Paukas, your logic is understandable and it is certainly correct from a certain angle. But in order to have something adequate in money with 25% you need 50k better than 100k startup capital. How many coming to forex and stock market have such capital? Definitely not many. So, here starts a certain logical chain: if you want to earn big interest, you have to learn! The funny thing is that none of the newcomers know what to study and what they have to learn.


Paukas, your logic is clear and it is certainly true from a certain angle. But in order to have something adequate in money with 25% you need 50k better than 100k startup capital.

Who told you that? As for the margin, the big percentages are just on mini-deposits, - in general, on the demo... On the FD... I'll tell you this: if you imagined yourself a shark market maker with your shitty 100k of green, then you're completely out of touch. Maybe somewhere in the very second echelon for a sneaky corner of some cash factory from khatsapetovka is enough...

Otherwise, it's the same as in forex. Large sums are objectively more difficult to speculate on TA. But these "large" sums are categorically insufficient to manipulate the market. Totally different orders are needed. And techniques too.

I understand that you just confuse the %% on capital with the minimum deposit that you can live with.

How many people coming on Forex and Stock market have such capital? Definitely not many. So, a certain logical chain starts working here. If you want to earn big percent - learn! The funny thing is that none of the newcomers know what to study and what they have to learn.

That's not far from the truth! ))) But you don't have to speak for everyone.

The funny thing is that none of the people who come here know what to learn and what they have to learn.

I agree with you 100%. this "nonsense" takes years. years, not for learning, but for realizing what needs to be learned.

Paukas, your logic is understandable and it is certainly correct from a certain angle. But in order to have something adequate in money with 25% you need 50k better than 100k of start-up capital. How many coming to forex and stock market have such capital? Definitely not many. So, here starts a certain logical chain: if you want to earn big interest, you have to learn! The funny thing is that none of the newcomers know what to study and what they have to learn.

The logic is simple.

Whoever wants more than he can, loses everything. Books that 5drakon

didn't read it and wanted the authors to stick it out somewhere, they weren't fools to write.