Forum Annals: Quotes of the day - page 41

Who banned Mishek, and for what? Or did he do it to himself?
Who banned Mishek, and for what? Or did he do it to himself?

Myshev himself, it's okay. We have a tradition, every year before the new year, my friends and I go to the baths.

I'm finally sick of being the culprit for the lack of ideas in dumb heads lasso, avatars etc.

Moved to 5, you come in ))

I read it. There's a way. You have to take the index finger of your left hand and use it to guide you through the text. It's true that your brain will protest and won't grasp the meaning, demanding that you use your finger from the beginning and again from the beginning. But then you've got to have willpower and you've got to finish with your finger. In the sense of the text. And then you can proudly say to yourself - I read it! // even though I didn't understand a fucking thing.
It's no use. This way of expressing thoughts has long been honed, for decades, within the walls of universities in Tajikistan. A lot of abstracts and even scholarly, but completely incomprehensible.

I've been trying to get used to such an inconvenient interface for ages. The topic descriptions are very long. Does it make sense? Write to the administration - useless. What is the point in a long description of the topic, if you have already read it five times? Usually the forum is monitored for presence / absence of fresh posts in the topics. And if you do not understand the name of the topic, is it hard to click and see what's there. Look, and the number of hits on the site will grow, and therefore the advertisers will pull up. I do not understand. Maybe there is a hidden meaning? Or is it just me?

Переехал на 5-ку, ты заходи ))

Humorous theme with vids - very suitable. Friday with a beer and some tea and bergamot.

It is useless. This way of expressing thoughts has long been honed, for decades, within the walls of Tajikistan's universities. It's a lot of buzzwords and even scholarly, but it's completely incomprehensible.
Everyone has tacitly pledged to express their thoughts in a way that is understandable and so often does not fall into the "Annals ..." branch. And on the subject of the Many-Books and Sci-Fi, it's still not clear. I understood that you understood what I understood.
Everyone has tacitly pledged to state their thoughts in a way that is understandable and so often does not end up in the "Annals ..." thread. And on the subject of the many-booked and scientifically-educated, I still don't understand it. I understood that you understood what I understood.

Yusuf, you should write all your posts directly into this thread.

Yusuf, you should write all your posts directly into this thread.
So that you don't waste time postponing
It's probably bad form to post Niroba here, but I can't resist. I just have to warn everyone about the impending takeover of the world.

The law I discovered gives a complete understanding of the mechanisms of the world economy. Using this law, it is possible to calculate in advance the beginning and the end of any crisis, long before it starts. Based on this data, it is possible to simulate the scale and consequences of the devastation after a crisis...
It is probably bad form to post Niroba here, but I can't resist. I just have to warn everyone about the impending world takeover.

I wish I had written that. But I would have phrased it differently too, somewhere like this:

The law I discovered gives a complete understanding of the mechanisms of the world economy. With the help of this law you can calculate in advance the beginning and the end of any crisis, long before it starts and even if it doesn't happen in reality .


CEP hints