Martingale: the maximum possible chain of continuous losses/profits - page 4

ADX indicator.

indicators are rubbish, I don't trust any of them.


I'm sorry, I haven't heard...

In the question of the first post, gave the example of roulette, I care about the maximum chain of continuous red or black falls in a long enough series of bets, such as 1,000,000.

A continuous chain is a trend. Chain length - are there trends for 1-2 years?

Indicators are bullshit, I don't trust any of them.
After you get over the martin, you'll switch to indicators.

Going against the trend - but at the end of the trend.

And why do you need a martin if you know the end of the trend?

if so, by averaging he means trading against the trend, if so, by trading against the trend he means what.

I think these are philosophical questions for someone who is trying to create a grail based on martin.

What are you creating a gra il based on?

In the question of the first post, gave the roulette example, what matters to me is the maximum chain of continuous red or black rolls for a sufficiently long series of bets, e.g. 1,000,000.
In a casino you can make it so that there will always be one loss (constantly red or constantly black).
The problem is that you do not know the end of the trend, so why would you need a martin if you already know the trend's end?


the question, so to speak, is super.

In reality, martin is from the gorge.

Give me a 50/50 entry, as long as the series of looses is no more than 6.

Preferably, they should be more frequent. Then you can live with a martin.

Avalanches and martins fail because they do not have a market model, all entries are random.

All entries are always random. The chart has several differently directed trends and flotsam - all this on different TFs and where the price moved can then be explained by the TA.
And why do you need a martin if you know the end of the trend?
It's not for me, it's for the North! (there's one explanation for this kind of trading - don't think)

What are you building a grail around?

in a casino you can make it a constant loss (always red or always black)

i suggest without the "you can make it so..." the example was based on a random number generator...

as in the Meta Driver counting in the trailer of the first post.


What are you building a grail around?

Based on the market model