Market model: constant throughput - page 5


As always, it's all negativity. Some in the open and some in the guise of caution.

Again, nothing on topic, just phrases that might as well be inserted into any thread at all.

Please show me the compression of random BPs. Of course I can do it myself, but you have already prepared everything for such an operation.

The compression algorithms for zip and rar are not universal. The algorithms themselves also have certain window sizes.

The research is bold, pulled by thirty-kilometre ears. With an abstract approach, you can come up with so many hypotheses that even ten thousand people in fifty years will not study. Which is, by and large, often the case in science.

If you make it a rule to have at least the simplest justification for your hypothesis, you will save enough time for three lifetimes.

It's not about the hypothesis. It's about learning, and hrenfx seems to be self-taught. That's why it's just mush. He does not know that before teaching, no matter where: in kindergarten, school or university, someone takes years to figure out what to teach and in what sequence. Not everyone succeeds. The students of good teachers as a result of learning have a harmonious building in the head, while the students of bad teachers have manna with logs and traps in the head. In the case of hrenfx, we get a bunch of words and terms, the meaning of which hrenfx has its own and therefore it is not at all clear what this has to do with the market.


It's not about hypothesis. It's about learning, and hrenfx seems to be self-taught. Hence the simple mush. He does not know that before teaching, no matter where: in kindergarten, school or university, someone takes years to figure out what to teach and in what sequence. Not everyone succeeds. The students of good teachers as a result of learning have a harmonious building in the head, the students of bad teachers have a manna mess with logs and traps. In the case of hrenfx, we get a bunch of words and terms, the meaning of which hrenfx has its own and therefore it is not at all clear what this has to do with the market.

I don't agree, Edison was expelled from school for having a different understanding, essentially the same self-taught person, but ended up with over a hundred useful inventions.

Mr. Ford wasn't educated in the usual sense of the word, but that doesn't stop cars bearing his name from going around the world.

there are many such examples.

Please show me the compression of random BPs. Of course I can do it myself, but you have already prepared everything for such an operation.
Since random VR generator may have different characteristics, I would like to define them. And it is better to get generator itself, not to waste time on its writing.
I disagree, Edison was expelled from school for having a different understanding, essentially the same self-taught person, but ended up with over a hundred useful inventions.

You could add Einstein, for example. Let's hope we will soon be proud to have participated in the same forum as hrenfx together. Personally, I'll be happy for him.

I would like to add about geniuses from childhood. The early display of genius ability very rarely leads to genius results. Too often the arse is far more important than the head, and a systematic education without a plodding arse is almost impossible to obtain.

Since a random BP generator may have different characteristics, it would be nice to know what they are. Better yet, get the generator itself, so you don't waste time writing it.
Use the standard one, and that's it.
Use the standard one and you're done.

So that there are no questions, the random price BP will be formed as follows (normal distribution of increments)

#define MAX_RAND 32767.0

double GetRand()
  return(2 * MathRand() / MAX_RAND - 1);

void GetRandGauss( int Deviation, int& Rand1, int& Rand2 )
  double X1, X2, W = 2;
  while (W >= 1)
    X1 = GetRand();
    X2 = GetRand();
    W = X1 * X1 + X2 * X2;
  W = MathSqrt(-2 * MathLog(W) / W);
  Rand1 = X1 * W * Deviation;
  Rand2 = X2 * W * Deviation;
  if (Rand1 < Rand2)
    int Tmp = Rand1;
    Rand1 = Rand2;
    Rand2 = Tmp;

void GetPrices( int Deviation, int AmountBars )
  int Pos = 0;
  int Rand1, Rand2, Avg = 0;
  double PriceHigh, PriceLow;
  while (Pos < AmountBars)
    GetRandGauss(Deviation, Rand1, Rand2);
    PriceHigh = Avg + Rand1;
    PriceLow = Avg + Rand2;
    Avg = (PriceLow + PriceHigh) / 2;
    Prices[Pos] = Avg;

"64 kbit/c standard is determined by the following considerations. At a bandwidth of 4 kHz, according to the Kotelnikov theorem, the sampling rate must be at least 8 kHz. The minimum number of binary digits to represent the gating results of the voice signal, assuming a logarithmic transformation, is 8. Thus, multiplying these numbers results in the bandwidth of the ISDN B-channel."

So my point is, modern codecs allow you to compress speech to 8k without loss of quality "by ear", something similar in my opinion happens when recording quotes instead of ticks by candlesticks, so, the existing history we have already compressed, and the tick stream will be an uncompressed signal.