Who trades on the Live LAVINA system? DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY LOSSES? - page 16


A mathematician, according to you, is an idiot with a calculator in his head

By your logic, non-mathematicians are idiots without a calculator in their heads? Did I write about ideatism?

By your logic, non-mathematicians are idiots without a calculator in their heads? Did I write about ideotism?

I'm sorry, but you and I have different logic.

Mathematics is just a tool.

A mathematician is someone who is good at the tool. That's all, nothing else.



and I was making the same point. Moreover, if you use TA you only need algebra and geometry.


I'm sorry, but you and I have different logic.

Mathematics is just a tool.

A mathematician is someone who is good with a tool. That's all, nothing more.

Thank you for not drawing such a wonderful and unambiguous conclusion that mathematicians have a much better chance than, say, physicists or economists :)

Or am I wrong? Which side of the barricade are you on? :)


Look at this: the share% of each successive series is half that of the previous series (with some margin of error).

Bernoulli in its purest form.


Statistics of all flotsam with a channel width of 500pp. (for five digits). In the first version, a flat is considered broken when any price outlier a) is equal to the channel width b) is 1.5 times the channel width.


EURUSD 500/1.00/1999.12.31 23:00 - 2010.09.09 19:05
Flips Flops Percentage, %
1 536925 49.07
2 284220 25.97
3 141885 12.97
4 71414 6.53
5 31190 2.85
6 15666 1.43
7 7978 0.73
8 2820 0.26
9 1415 0.13
10 530 0.05
11 268 0.02
12 115 0.01


A question for everyone...

Who is interested in processing this information?

Who would be willing to use the information mentioned in the example in Excel to build tables and graphs?

And what result do you want to see?

Look: the proportion of each successive series is half that of the previous series (with some margin of error).

Bernoulli in its purest form.

No conclusions can be drawn from these statistics, as long as the algorithm for obtaining these values is not known. Maybe it is a property of the algorithm.
And what result do you want to see?

I may have some statistics for all symbols, all of them on any interval, with any width of the flight and the condition of its liquidation (ejection at the n-distance from the flight's border). How to use it, what diagrams to build...

I have a lot of raw materials, my thoughts get confused, there are also a lot of versions of summary, comparison tables and charts, so I have to digest it all in a readable form... I'm unfortunately a trader castrated in terms of knowledge of programming and formulas, and I only use Excel to calculate the state fees when filing a lawsuit in court:) And the charts - that's new to me.

For what it is necessary ... I have my own idea of an avalanche, and I need these statistics not to optimize in the tester, but to know all about the instrument's flotsam from statistics for the maximum time interval, and maybe even for less time ...

There are some parameters of a flat, which are not yet taken into account in the table above, but it's in time.


No conclusions can be drawn from these statistics, as long as the algorithm for obtaining these values is not known. Maybe it is a property of the algorithm.

The algorithm allows to get all the flops, all the Hyp...

Why then there are so few billionaire mathematics professors?

Apparently because money is not an end in itself for everyone. The last example is Perelman.


One of the most popular threads on the EURUSD forum. And where is the maths there? Solid lines, dotted lines, zigzags etc. Rather geometry specialists have a better chance. And in the latest thread posts in general it's psychic.

This thread is not indicative, there are no traders there, people are guessing by coffee grounds from nothing to do.


All TA is addition, subtraction, multiplication, division. It's more like elementary algebra.
This is the approach with which 95% of alleged traders go bankrupt.