Who trades on the Live LAVINA system? DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY LOSSES? - page 15


a mathematician can articulate the essence of the phenomenon more clearly than someone else, who will instead just mooch and refer to empiricism.

Right. What a non-mathematician wades through with great difficulty, a mathematician immediately lays out.

For example a mathematician does not need to explain what is non-stationarity, why in a neural network it is harmful to supply a candle to the input and so on. Let's not even mention loki.

In general, the general educational level of 95% of participants in this forum is woefully low. Sorry, gip, but it's really so :-)


Statistics for all flats with a channel width of 500pp. (for five digits). In the first version, a flat is deemed to be broken at any price outlier a) equal to the channel width b) 1.5 times the channel width.


EURUSD 500/1.00/1999.12.31 23:00 - 2010.09.09 19:05
Flip Flops Share, %
1 536925 49.07
2 284220 25.97
3 141885 12.97
4 71414 6.53
5 31190 2.85
6 15666 1.43
7 7978 0.73
8 2820 0.26
9 1415 0.13
10 530 0.05
11 268 0.02
12 115 0.01

EURUSD 500/1.50/1999.12.31 23:00 - 2010.09.09 19:05
Flips Flat Share, %
1 421299 38.96
2 264745 24.48
3 160294 14.82
4 99871 9.24
5 59181 5.47
6 33119 3.06
7 19675 1.82
8 11998 1.11
9 4820 0.45
10 3294 0.3
11 1564 0.14
12 1202 0.11
13 111 0.01
14 87 0.01
15 71 0.01
16 61 0.01

P.S. thank the doer...


Let's not even mention loki.

In general, the general educational level of 95% of the participants in this forum is deplorably low. Sorry, gip, but that's really true :-)

So much for my characterisation of mathematicians. You certainly include yourself in that 5% :)

But about the high level of abstraction and inattention to the subject area it applies to you. It's about your ABWGDakes.

Sorry, gip, but it's true :-)

Why did you write that to me? As if I was making a statement about it. There was no such thing.

For example, a mathematician does not need to explain what is non-stationarity, why in neural networks it is harmful to supply a candle to the input and so on.

A mathematician apparently is born with this knowledge at once. And for others this sacred knowledge is inaccessible. Hee-hee-hee :)


So much for confirming my characterisation of mathematicians. You certainly include yourself in that 5% :)

But about the high level of abstraction and inattention to the subject area, that applies to you. It's about your ABWGDs.

Why did you write that to me? As if I'd said anything about it. No, you didn't.

Of course I did :) And what's more - I don't see any point in discussing anything with you anymore. You are not a trader, in my opinion (I've read your posts... yeah).

I'm sure you're not a bad person, and you're not a bad animal, but it has nothing to do with the subject of this forum. Sorry.


Statistics for all flats with a channel width of 500pp. (for five digits). In the first version, a flat is deemed to be broken at any price outlier a) equal to the channel width b) 1.5 times the channel width.


EURUSD 500/1.00/1999.12.31 23:00 - 2010.09.09 19:05
Flips Flops Percentage,%
1 536925 49.07
2 284220 25.97
3 141885 12.97
4 71414 6.53
5 31190 2.85
6 15666 1.43
7 7978 0.73
8 2820 0.26
9 1415 0.13
10 530 0.05
11 268 0.02
12 115 0.01

EURUSD 500/1.50/1999.12.31 23:00 - 2010.09.09 19:05
Flips Fraction, %
1 421299 38.96
2 264745 24.48
3 160294 14.82
4 99871 9.24
5 59181 5.47
6 33119 3.06
7 19675 1.82
8 11998 1.11
9 4820 0.45
10 3294 0.3
11 1564 0.14
12 1202 0.11
13 111 0.01
14 87 0.01
15 71 0.01
16 61 0.01

P.S. thanks to the performer...

Vladimir, thank you for the interesting and useful statistical information.

Now the questions:

1. you mean: With a channel width of 500 pips, maximum number of flips will not exceed 12? (Is it more than 16 in the second case?) 2.

2) Why was the second channel 750 points wide? You can wait months until you get to 16.

Besides, the last lots will be so big that the DC will simply not accept them.

3.Then can you tell us the size (increase) of the lots used in this calculation?


Mathematician is not an education, but a vocation. Mathematicians definitely have a better chance at forex than others.

Why then are there so few maths professors who are billionaires? Soros is not a mathematician, neither is Buffett. If you take Schwager and draw a sample of successful traders he surveyed were profesional mathematicians - how many you get?

Read Taleb his excerpt from "Fooled by Randomness" where he describes the late 80's and early 90's and planes from the former Soviet Union with excellent mathematicians, radiophysicists, etc. That fashion on Wall Street is gone.

One of the most popular threads on the EURUSD forum. And where is the maths there? Solid lines, dotted lines, zigzags, etc. Rather geometry specialists have a better chance. And in the last posts of the thread in general - psychic.

All TA is addition, subtraction, multiplication, division. It's more like elementary algebra.


Vladimir, thank you for the interesting and necessary statistical information for analysis.

Now for the questions:

1) Do you mean: With a channel width of 500 pps, the maximum number of flips is 12? (Is it more than 16 in the second case?).

2) Why was the second channel 750 points wide? You can wait months until you get to 16.

Besides, the last lot size will be so big that the DC will simply not accept it.

3.Then would you tell me the lot sizes (increase) used in this calculation?


1. Yes.

2. 750? do you mean the distance from the border of the flat to its destruction? if yes, then an arbitrary point, when it is reached we consider that the flat collapsed, you can treat it as b/c or TP. no spreads. agreed.

i agree.

3. This is another topic, this is dry statistics.


A question for everyone...

Who is interested in processing this information?

Who would be willing to use the information mentioned in the example in Excel to build tables and graphs?


I say "better odds" because a mathematician can articulate the essence of the forex phenomenon more clearly than someone else who will instead just mooch and refer to empiricism.

If the price catastrophically and suddenly collapses under the influence of the WORD about a POSSIBLE Rise/Decrease..... (which has happened more than once), the economist can give at least some explanation for it. Even if it is in hindsight and after a long analysis of statistical information. The mathematician will only shrug his shoulders and say that the process is non-stationary and non-ergodic and that nothing can be done about it.


If the price suddenly and catastrophically collapses (which has happened more than once) as a result of the WORD about a possible increase/decrease in....., the economist can give at least some explanation. Even if it is in hindsight and after a long analysis of statistical information. The mathematician will only shrug his shoulders and say that the process is non-stationary and non-ergodic and that nothing can be done about it.

The mathematician, according to you, is an idiot with a calculator in his head