Is it possible to close several orders at the same time? - page 6

just curious. i wonder why something that seems obvious hasn't been done?
On the contrary, I wonder why MT5 has moved away from synchronised command execution.

Because it's only obvious to you, but it's not obvious to people with more experience or other knowledge.

If there is something obvious even to one person with little experience, it means that others with their seemingly greater experience may not have so much experience ;)

This is what the forum is all about - sharing experience


As long as there is such a thing as requotes, this (simultaneous closing) is not practicable on the broker side... (not technically)

Come on :)
Come on :)

How can a broker guarantee that all orders will be closed at the advertised prices?

How can the broker guarantee that all orders will be closed at the announced prices?

I do not need a guarantee of closing.

I need to process several commands in one parcel. You know, like I would say over the phone: "Close such and such orders, move the stop to such and such...". The server has to "write", execute and "report". Here I haven't closed such an order and haven't moved such a stop.


I do not need a closing guarantee.

I need to process several commands in one parcel. You know, like I would say over the phone: "Close such and such orders, move the stop to such and such...". The server has to "write", execute and "report" everything - so I haven't closed such an order and haven't moved such a stop.

So you know the answer beforehand )

So you know the answer beforehand )

Exactly, and the answer is that changing the server technology is impossible, because, because.

Create a web interface to send emergency (and non-emergency) commands is not difficult, but again, this service will only be able to take advantage of those users who work on a remote server (VPS), in my opinion, in this case, it's easier to buy a mobile terminal and not to bother yourself ...



The server has to "write it all down", execute it and "report back" - I didn't close such an order, I didn't move such a stop.

Well, well... There will be no such thing even in 5. It would be a killer for both developers and 99% of users.


It's a killer for both the developers and 99% of the users.

oops, right on.... :)))

What do all the trade functions return? bool or int + GetLastError(). and what's hard to return in a two-dimensional array?

but, this is almost a flood... I suggest that we don't go on with THIS theme ;)