Free MQL4 training - page 7


I do not have any reason to promote this blog. It is a compulsory platform for castaways. Soon it will be a normal site.

As for the content - I have my own approach to learning, people are already writing programs, small ones of course, those who are not sitting on forums from morning till night, but are working on themselves.

It's the easiest thing to say bad things and do nothing. I'm glad there are positive people here :))

Attention, there was a mistake in the code yesterday, I fixed it last night.
In the tester $4768 profit from $10000 depo in 2 months

This EA is an example of why you should not buy EAs on the Internet))))))))))

I've just spent half an hour on the keyboard and here's the result)) The main thing is not to trade on it in real time


Well... if you, comrade, offer newbies / and me as well / a simple way to solve problems,

  • which are at best solved in *very* weak C++ in a couple of weeks (for example: additional to MT UI, interacting with sockets, creating a managed strategy tester, manual trading module in the tester, some complicated signal processing, candlesticks and charts display, etc.)

  • The analysis using Mql (for example: classification of intraday movement into different classes, creation of chart markup using trawl method or implementation of definition of extrema by floating points, etc.)

    then of course this opinion may and should be taken into account...

But something tells me that you lack qualification even at the level of understanding classes of problems of different complexity.

Sorry, I missed this post, rarely visited the forum. Seriously want to talk?

Additional to MT UI - made for myself a long time ago

socket communication - did it via named pips

a managed strategy tester - I have my own tester, it works on ticks, which are written more than a year with 3 brokers around the clock

Manual trading module in the tester - no, I did not think about it.

Any complicated signal processing - :))) Matlab is connected, do whatever you like on it

display of candlesticks and charts, etc. - of course, done on MSChart, but all under dotnet


I'll add to it right away, or I may not come back soon.

named pipes - not the best solution, because it does not give access to the internet, I keep dreaming of converting it to WCF, so that terminals can communicate over the internet

MSChart - - not the best solution either, I'm bored with displaying missed quotes sections and weekends in it.

Of course I have done it, but it was too much trouble. I`ve always dreamed to find 3-4 days and write my own component for pure trading.

I'm happy with the rest of it.

My statement boiled down to one simple thought = there are tasks that a novice cannot solve by definition.
int DoTrade()
   static int buySell = OP_BUY; // в этой переменной хранится последняя торг операция
   static int ticketIndex = 0;  // по этому номеру пишем в массив тикет
   if(buySell == OP_SELL)
      buySell = OP_BUY;
      buySell = OP_SELL;
   int ticket = OpenOrder(Symbol(), buySell, 0.1); 
   if(ticket > 0)
      ticketArray[ticketIndex] = ticket; // если операция прошла успешно, пишем тикет
         // в массив и после этого инкрементируем ticketIndex
   if(ticketIndex == MaxOpenOpders) // если перевалили за пределы массива, обнуляемся
      ticketIndex = 0;
   ticket = ticketArray[ticketIndex];
   CloseOrderByTicket( ticket, 25 );

No Comments!


No Comments!

so what?
So what?

That's it, a black mark.
So what?

And if the order has not opened and all the variables have already changed their value

And if the order has not opened and all the variables have already changed their value

Well yes, yes it's just a learning exercise, and I talked about it in the caste...

Thanks for the reminders, that's where I let the group in first

Nah, I'm really grateful, no offence, the thing is, I've already done everything I needed to do on MQL4..,

And the subtleties are forgotten))


Well yes, yes it's just a learning exercise, and I talked about it in the caste...

Thanks for the reminders, that's where I let the group in first

Nah, I really appreciate it, no hard feelings, the thing is, I've already done everything I need to do on MQL4..,

and the subtleties are forgotten))

by the way, in the last lesson the orders are taken out differently

In general, I keep them in MS SQL, it is very interesting to track delays in execution depending on the size of the lot)))) the feeling that from 10 lots you have to work purely on pendants