How do you calculate the length of a line from the coordinates? - page 14


Think about it, think about it....

To calculate an arbitrary line point or for example the intersection point of two lines there are the usual mathematical formulas, no need to reinvent the wheel.....

Why? It's simple: the TC condition

I recommend reading the first and second way of generating a Box-Muller normal distribution.

And trigonometrically describe the zigzag.

In radius and maybe if they are equal, in angle is the answer, it seems to me...



Looked for any operators to translate into pixels... can't find....

I just need - how much one wave is longer/shorter than the other in percentages (not parrots/apples)...

A hundred pages.... Alexander, since % is dimensionless, you only need to measure the lengths of the ZZ in the same way. In the same coordinate systems. If you don't bother with weekend skips, the simplest option is price/bar number. If they do bother you, then link them to time. Both coordinates should be of the double type. Get a universal meter. Plus it's easy to look for intersections, build normals, etc... so the whole arsenal of analytical geometry.

Good luck.


I recommend reading the first and second way of generating a Box-Muller normal distribution.

And trigonometrically describe the zigzag.

In radius and maybe if they are equal, in angle - the answer, it seems to me...


It seems to you....

When it seems, you know what you do...

;) Good luck


So many pages.... Alexander, since % is dimensionless, you only need to measure the lengths of the ZZs equally. In the same coordinate systems. If you are not bothered by weekend skips, then the easiest option is price/bar number. If they do bother you, then link them to time. Both coordinates should be of the dabble type. Get a universal meter. Plus it's easy to look for intersections, build normals, etc... i.e. the whole arsenal of analytic geometry.

Good luck.

How everyone loves words, especially loud ones! I solved the problem through the pixel, if you are not reading carefully.

There's an example on the last page:

Decipher it with a real example. Given two zigzag segments:

point 1: 46.4856

point 2 (total): 46.63

point 3: 46.3488.

segment length 1: 40 bars

segment 2 length: 3 bars

Good luck



How everyone loves words, especially loud ones! I solved the problem through the pixel, if you're not reading carefully...


I read it. Think for yourself about the difference in efficiency/uniqueness of the approaches. I don't feel like discussing it in any more detail.

Good luck with that.


I read that. Think for yourself about the difference in effectiveness/uniqueness of the approaches. I've lost the urge to discuss it in more detail.

Good luck with that.

And good luck to you.


I solved the problem through the pixel, if you don't read carefully.

Have you not seen a more confusing and unnecessarily difficult way of comparing it with data from other TFs?

Because you are afraid to look for apples in parrots.

It's your imagination again... :)

I don't have the desire to discuss it either.

And you are healthy and prosperous.


Have you not seen a more confusing and unnecessarily complicated way of comparing with data from other TFs?

Because you are afraid to look for apples in parrots.

It's your imagination again... :)

I don't have the desire to discuss it either.

And you are healthy and prosperous.

Everyone can scratch their tongue...

There is an example on the last page:

Decipher with a real-life example. Two zigzag segments are given:

point 1: 46.4856

point 2 (total): 46.63

point 3: 46.3488

segment length 1: 40 bars

segment length 2: 3 bars

Well, what's wrong with the ratio of hypotenuse taken as a percentage? Geometry hasn't been declared a pseudoscience by the Party Congress yet. :)
So what's wrong with the ratio of hypotenuse taken as a percentage? Geometry hasn't been declared a pseudoscience by the Party Congress yet. :)

Ladies and gentlemen! Calculate the hypotenuse and the ratio in percentages. We're not stupid people...

Or read..... the hypotenuse in the parrot-apples will you have?


Ladies and gentlemen! Calculate the hypotenuse and the ratio in percentages. It's not like we're stupid people...

Or read the thread.... Would you have the hypotenuse in parrot-apples?

Like those pixels are not parrot-apples.