How do you calculate the length of a line from the coordinates? - page 13

No. To begin with, one must make an axiomatics of the given space "time-points". Then, on the basis of the axioms, prove the applicability of the Pythagorean theorem. And only then try to calculate the hypotenuse in xy-games.
Ex-classmates meet, one was in school an excellent pupil, the other - a failed pupil. The honours pupil is a skinny, ragged, underachiever in a Versace suit and a 600 Merc. The good one:
- Listen, Vasya, they say you became a businessman? But how do you count money, you got nothing but F's in maths at school!
- It's simple: I buy for $2, sell for $4, and live off those 2%!
No. To begin with, one must make an axiomatics of the given space "time-points". Then, on the basis of the axioms, prove the applicability of the Pythagorean theorem. And only then try to count the hypotenuse in xy-games.
Gunn to the rescue...
Gunn is a charlatan.
Gunn is a charlatan.

Who is the Guru?


In my opinion, the ratio of hypotenuse lengths from notional units will give the same result as comparing speeds (point/period or point/minute, whatever). We take the difference in pips between the start and the end of the zigzag line and divide by the period. We obtain the average speed of price movement along this line. On this basis, we can calculate the speed variable coefficient using which to make settings of the zigzag line variable. In the same way we can measure speed between the first bar where there is no line and the bar where the line ends. For example, at a speed of 1 point/minute, the coefficient can be set to 1 and then adjusted if necessary.
I think the ratio of hypotenuse lengths from conditional units will give the same result as a speed comparison (point/period or point/minute makes no difference). Take the difference in points between the start and the end of the zigzag line and divide by the period. We obtain the average speed of price movement along this line. On this basis, we can calculate the speed variable coefficient using which we can make settings of the zigzag line variable. In the same way we can measure speed between the first bar where there is no line and the bar where the line ends. For example, at a speed of 1 point/minute, the coefficient can be set to 1 and then, if necessary, corrected.

OK, decipher with a real example. Given two zigzag segments:

point 1: 46.4856

point 2 (total): 46.63

point 3: 46.3488.

segment length 1: 40 bars

segment length 2: 3 bars

We take as a point the unit of the fourth decimal place. v1=(466300-464856)/40=1444/40=36 points/period v2=(466300-463488)/3=2812/3=937 points/period (we take the absolute value) v2/v1=937/36=26 If the length of the 3 bars segment is the end of the chart and there is no line there yet, expected price movement by points will be 26 times more than the first line 1444*26= 37544 the expected price of the next extremum will be 466300-37544=428756 i.e. 42.8756
As a point we take a unit of the fourth decimal place. v1=(466300-464856)/40=1444/40=36 points/period v2=(466300-463488)/3=2812/3=937 points/period (take absolute value) v2/v1=937/36=26 If the length of 3 bars is the end of the chart and there is no line there yet, expected price movement by points will be 26 times more than points of the first line 1444*26= 37544 the expected price of the next extremum will be 466300+37544=503844 i.e. 50.3844

To be honest - I don't understand anything, especially about the end of the graph.

These segments are in the middle of the graph

Use your algorithm to tell me how much longer one segment is than the other. That's it. I don't need to calculate the next points etc. I just need - by how much % one formed segment is longer than the other

I put a plus instead of a minus. I will think about the percentage. But to be honest, I also do not understand why it is needed. And why exactly do I need to compare zigzag segments, and not the size of the price change?
I put plus instead of minus, already corrected. As for the percentage, I will think about it. But to be honest, I too have not understood why it is needed. And why do we need to compare zigzag segments and not the size of the price change?

Think about it, think about it....

To calculate an arbitrary point on the line or for example point of intersection of two lines, there are the usual mathematical formulas, there is no need to reinvent the wheel.....

Why? It's simple: the condition of the CU.