Happy Birthday!!! - page 5

"Good sitting" (s)

"You've got to be kidding me..." :)

Mischek: It's all about not condensing.
Mm-hmm. Self-congratulatory....)))
Mm-hmm. Self-congratulatory....)))

That's what it looks like. There's a lot of what we think we don't really see. Specific to the computer in our heads.

( Mushrooms, please pass them on. ) Yes you, yes pass them on, look at me and hold out. Great.)

Mischek: That's what it looks like. There are a lot of things that we think we don't see.

That's for sure)))

You know, I used to celebrate birthdays until I was 35-38 somewhere. After that, it became uninteresting and sad. I stopped. Years go by.....))))

I posted an article in the "humor" thread the other day, read it... What 35-38 years... You and I are doomed to talk here forever.

- "I've seen you somewhere," I turned sharply to FreeLance, who had been watching me until now...


You know, I used to celebrate birthdays until I was 35-38 somewhere. After that, it became uninteresting and sad. I stopped. Years go by.....))))

Len, it's best not to sweat it. The years will not diminish or even stay in place anyway. Take a philosophical view of it.

Pass me that bottle of beer next to you. Yeah, yeah, Franciscaner, unfiltered. Thank you. [Chuckles]

As they say, you can't do without stop-losses. So let them always close on the plus side :))
Happy birthday !!!!!

- "Ale."

- "Che ale?! Where the hell have you been? Have you seen what time it is? Ale him..."

-Did you see the sun, I'm on my way, I'll be back soon. Wait."


Gentlemen, I don't see any music and I don't hear any beautiful ladies... er... I mean the other way round. Yeah, keep it slow... and turn up the volume please...