Is there a need for a T.A.? - page 4


TA is a waste of time! price movements take into account all the information. The price of an asset at time t takes into account all information available to the market at time t but does not take into account information which will only be available to the market at time t+1. And it is this unknown information which will determine the price of the asset at time t+1. Studying the price at time t and based on it alone it is impossible to make any assumptions!

2Price movements are subject to trends. Prices do not change randomly, but follow trends. It follows that it is necessary to study the causes which give rise to these trends/trends, but it does not mean that the price itself causes the price and that the price is not just randomly changing....... A random variable itself generates a random variable and therefore it is necessary to study the random variable itself and nothing else to predict it?

3.History repeats itself. Prrrrrrect! History evolves in a spiral, everything comes back to disappear again and resurrect like the Phoenix in flames. Ugh! This is ridiculous. Who came up with these axioms? The price of eurusd was 1.35, it went back to 1.35 some time later and so what? And what was the trajectory it took and how much time did it spend?

Fuck the whole thing!

It's a hypothesis of market efficiency (i.e. the casino market, but with a commission (spread) in favour of the casino). You can never prove it mathematically (because you have to consider an infinite number of bars). Moreover, it is incorrect on the available history.


The ability to learn on one's own, to solve problems set for oneself, to find new things, is usually an innate quality. If you don't feel it in yourself, you don't have it.

"How to learn" should be asked at the beginning, not at the end of the road, when you're already ready for the "last fart".

Some six and a half billion people in the world live without these abilities.

TO DO WHAT? What is there to learn?

Again you say your 'learn' and I ask what to learn, where is this clear system of knowledge and skills that is possible to learn?


Svetlana, I am ready to state that 95% of traders, and among them many smart, talented and highly educated people, fail not at all because they are "unable to learn on their own".


Are you ready to claim otherwise?

At the blackboard, with chalk and a pointer?

If you accept the "Brownian-Whirlpool" model - proven.

Anything not clear in the calculations?


Or is flubbing happy and allowed here?


If you accept the "Brownian-Whirlpool" model - proven.

Something is not clear in the calculations?


Or is it cheerful and permissible to flub here?

Presenting a consistently profitable system (without regard to spread) is elementary. The existence of such a system says that the market efficiency hypothesis, the Wiener processes are the fantasies of terver lovers.


Presenting a consistently profitable system (without regard to the spread) is elementary. Having such a system says that the market efficiency hypothesis, the Wiener processes, are the fantasies of terwer lovers.

It's hard to argue.


On two corollaries. Charmed.

1.Charmed by chance...

2.Charmed by terver.


WHAT? What is there to learn?

I can only repeat: if you don't feel it in yourself, you don't have it. You don't. Not at all. But... Absinthe. Nicht. Neve.

It happens. And often.

I, for example, can't sing. You know, I don't sing. I don't sing at all. And some people, let's not point the finger, make big money out of it.


I can only repeat: if you don't feel it in yourself, you don't have it. It's not there. Not at all. But... Absinthe. Nicht. Neve.

It happens. And often.

No comments...

I can only repeat: if you don't feel it in yourself, you don't have it. It's not there. Not at all. But... Absinthe. Nicht. Neve.

It happens. And often.

I, for example, can't sing. You know, I don't sing. I don't sing at all. And some people, let's not point the finger, make a lot of money from it.


For starters, don't poke, don't drink on the brotherhood.

And basically, I'm telling you as a musician, the ability to sing is a clear system of skills. There's concrete, well-developed theory and practice. And any experienced vocal coach will teach you to sing simple melodies and even your voice after a year of training. Complete absence of hearing a unique and rare phenomenon, most often it is an inaccuracy of "playback" pitch, solved by practice.

At least up to the level of many of our "stars" you will be brought - exactly.

And there, if you have connections, you can earn money. And not badly either. )))

Once again. I'm talking about a clear system of skills.

You're talking about some damn thing: gut feeling, intuition, third eye... and I get it! All successful traders are psychics and psychics. Well then, everything falls into place...

Don't yell. I'm fed up with pillar nobles of peasant origin. You don't want to listen to what you're told, I don't give a fuck. Why don't you fart already?
Aren't you crazy for attacking?
Maybe he is.