Free profitable advisor SunShine!!!!!!!!!! - page 17

granit77, please delete my account from both forums and block the possibility to enter here from my IP. Just do it. Please.
I don't support your overly radical decision, nor do I have any reason to do so. Your contribution to the development of the forum is not in question, and the excessive harshness of the discussion is not a reason to stop communicating.

Honestly, I'm just shocked at what I've been reading on this forum for the last half year.

That's probably why I left it for more worthy sites at the time.


Dear EVERYWHERE the site is turning into a collection of idiots, in a word rubbish.

Topics, one thing is worse than another.

Statements and dialogues leave much to be desired.

Shame on you moderators should be above all, roll downhill, lower and lower.

Would have done as others, would have been banned such "inadequate", maybe then the site would be less rubbish, and people would be treated with dignity to each other.


... Shame should be above all YOU TO THE MODERATORS, roll downhill, lower and lower.

Would act as others, would have banned such "inadequate", maybe then the site would be less rubbish, and people would be treated with dignity to each other.

While you were on more worthy sites, there was an active discussion about the style of moderation and personalities of moderators, whose members defend their right to freedom of speech, not hesitating in expressions. The exchange of opinions largely resulted in a system of moderation that did not involve editing the substantive part of users' posts. Going beyond the limits of correctness in a discussion can lead to deletion of posts and restriction of user access, but after warnings in due course.

This is a very delicate matter, finding the line between rules and tastiness is not easy. For example, your post is technically subject to deletion and you are penalised because the rule prohibiting discussion of moderator actions has been broken. So, do you want to ban every other person?


While you were on more worthy sites, there was a vigorous discussion here about moderation style and the personalities of moderators, with participants defending their right to free speech without hesitation. The exchange of opinions largely resulted in a system of moderation that did not involve editing the substantive part of users' posts. Going beyond the limits of correctness in a discussion can lead to deletion of posts and restriction of user access, but after warnings in due course.

It's a very subtle matter, it's not easy to find the line between rules and tastes. For example, your post is formally subject to deletion, and you're punished because the rule prohibiting discussion of moderators' actions has been broken. So, do you want to ban every other person?

I think you've heard the phrase: 'to live with wolves, howl like wolves'.

Judging by what I see, there are more and more "wolves" on this site.

Perhaps the situation would be different if you were to ban, as you said, "every second". And so, I must confess, your removal is the least afraid. Because everything is relative.... Although you there from the outside of course know who deserves to be removed more.


"To live with the wolves is to howl with the wolves."

Take it easy, Galina.

The world is not perfect and never will be.


Honestly, I'm just shocked at what I've been reading on this forum for the last half year.

That's probably why at one time I left here for more worthy sites.

Can I get a link, at least in the PM, at least one look at what those sites are more worthy?

Thank you.


Can I have a link, at least in a PM, at least one look at what those sites are more worthy of?

Thank you.

Because there's Halina.

Can I have a link, at least in a PM, at least one look at what those sites are more worthy of?


No, I'm sorry.

Or else I'll get banned, and I don't need it at all.


No, I'm sorry.

I don't want to get banned, and I don't want to get banned at all.

At least send me an e-mail.


...I must confess, your removal is the least of my fears...


...or I'll get banned and I don't want that at all.

I love women, but not just for what you think, but for their cute disarming inconsistency. :))