Help is needed to get the "Russian Fires 2010" portal up and running quickly. ( - page 48


The idea with the cameras is pure window dressing!

They are not stealing from the construction site at all. No one nowadays (like in Soviet times) carries bricks from the construction site under the floorboards.

They steal in the quiet of offices, through front "intermediaries" and so on.

Latynina on Ekho Moskvy gave the following example. Federal officials are now "pressuring" local "oligarchs" to "voluntarily" participate in construction of houses for people affected by fire as promised by Putin.

Officials (according to Latynina) in the Novgorod region are trying their best to prevent the oligarchs from organizing the construction! They (officials) do not want 'oligarchs' to build, and they suggest that oligarchs should only provide them (officials) with money for the construction and then there would be no problems. The officials themselves will allegedly use the money to build...


The idea with the cameras is pure showbiz !

They are not stealing from the construction site at all. No one nowadays (like in Soviet times) carries bricks from the construction site under the floorboards.

They steal in the quiet of offices, through front "intermediaries" and so on.

Latynina on Ekho Moskvy gave the following example. Federal officials are now "pressuring" local "oligarchs" to "voluntarily" participate in construction of houses for people affected by fire as promised by Putin.

Officials (according to Latynina) in the Novgorod region are trying their best to prevent the oligarchs from organizing the construction! They (officials) want and suggest that oligarchs should only provide them (officials) with money for the construction and then there would be no problems. And the officials themselves will allegedly use the money to build....

Well these cameras are not for theft, but for the peace of mind of the fire victims

A dangerous precedent.

© drugoi


Help you get your portal up and running quickly?

It's not for me, it's for everyone

Или выясняю, что не нужно тушить торфяные болота, потому что торф перестает гореть, лишь будучи измельченным и растворенным в воде, а нужно их исключительно окапывать.

I wonder whether Mr. Gromov (Moscovia's boss), who wanted to flood the peat bogs with water at the cost of tens of years of investment and tens of billions of rubles from the budget, knows about it or not? Probably he does. But the most important thing for the official is the means to be spent, not the result ...

P.S. Damn, it's smog in Moscow again.


I wonder whether Mr. Gromov (Moscovia's boss), who wanted to flood the peat bogs with water at the cost of tens of years of investment and tens of billions of rubles from the budget, knows about it or not? Probably he does. But for the official the most important thing is the money to be spent, not the result...

P.S. Damn, it's smog in Moscow again.

I understand it's necessary to trench for non-proliferation

From what I learned about the peat fires, it turns out that they will be burning until the winter, there is enough air to smolder and burn at the depth of the peat bog, they could be doused at an early stage,

Now they have to fill up these fires many meters down with rivers of water, which is impossible to do over such terrains all over the country.

Some peat bogs have been burning for years, and winter is not a hindrance . Machinery is hampered by the fact that it can fall into the burning cavities left by the peat bog at any moment.


Then it is necessary to understand the harm. The authorities will most likely just report the deaths, but this is the tip of the iceberg.

some 10%, some 90%, it's not as noticeable as death, but people will get sick more often, get tired faster, die of old age earlier, but we won't know about it in numbers

A strange story happened this morning.
Estonians offered to help put out the fires (two special vehicles and a tanker). They sent a letter to the Help Map website, among other things. Our coordinator took up the topic and called the Ministry of Emergency Situations to speed up the possibility of the arrival of equipment.
Some correspondence and phone calls took place. After all, Estonians need a visa to come.

The result is this: the Ministry of Emergency Situations said NOT TO DO IT. WE HAVE STABILISED, THERE IS NOTHING TO EXTINGUISH.

Except that as time goes on, there are fewer and fewer things to love, much less be proud of.
