Crazy house! - page 10

I've noticed that no matter how you write, you get attacked straight away, even if you have something to do!

To end the discussion in this thread, I suggest that the authors of the posts remove their own posts. Further posts of an "above average", personal nature, as well as outright flooding and provocation, will be deleted.


I've torn mine down too, I'll tear this one down later too!

RomanS: Peter, I was joking... Glitches are figurative... i.e. as a consequence of alcohol, i notice myself losing my memory more and more in the morning :(

Oh, I've already forgotten what memory loss is.

Pun intended...


And you, are you going to tear down your posts and spend 27 minutes of your time on it....???


Look over here

So what's up? AVON adverts?

Hey, you fucking sophisticate, are you still being rude?

Moderator, isn't it time to put this wise guy in the tank?

Just notice how much more aggressive your post is than mine... Besides, you're spamming this thread by linking to other threads... And there's nothing of interest in that thread...
Nah, that's as far as anyone wants to go, but I'm getting the hell out of this verbiage.

Well, come on...

So, another robbery on the demo tester? Is it worth the shouting? Moderators should make a list of threads with grabs from puffballs, for the urgent introduction of the next newborn billionaire and his predecessors, so to speak.

If I'm not mistaken, a rare week goes by without a grabble.

By the way, there are a couple of other graphbuilders in this thread, somehow they are not in a hurry to tell us about their successes.


ALeek, I'm on your side.