How to withdraw money safely from forex? Who has had problems? - page 5


And if the flow increases? And it's going to be frequent?

If you increase the flow, you will have no problem paying the flat tax - there will be enough money to cover everything. And it will be much easier than looking for illegal cash-out schemes.

For example, let us simulate the situation:

The income has increased and the amount cashed in is such that the bank is simply forced to report to the tax authorities. You open a webmoney account in the name of your relatives and withdraw it to their cards. So far, it's working. The income is even higher - you attract friends and pay them a percentage for cashing out. Next, you start looking for passport-holding homeless people and cash out through their accounts as well. Again, we take the interest. Let it turns out far less than the single tax, but how much hassle!!! Do you need it?

Has anyone had any problems with withdrawal?

What exactly are we talking about?

Problems with withdrawal from the DC, problems with withdrawal from webmoney, problems with withdrawal from the bank?


Withdrawal problem from x,

where x, your problem.


Withdrawal problem from x,

where x, your problem.

This is nonsense. Substitute the equivalent you gave in place of x. We get the judgement: "Withdrawal problem from your problem" :-)))))))))))
X is a DC, a web money, a bank.
X is a DC, a web money, a bank.

You google it.

You google.

Let's close this forum and everyone google!

If I'm wrong, I apologise.


I think vlandex is just bored.


I think vlandex is just bored.

OK, I'm off to bed. But the topic is relevant!