How to withdraw money safely from forex? Who has had problems? - page 3

post deleted for matting. Summer,you have been warned.

Eh... what is it, I closed the part of the word, and what word you already deciphered there seems to be not my problem O_o

Eh... why, I closed part of the word, and what you've already deciphered there word seems to be not my problem O_o

you're right... I have to decipher it... for yourself and for "that guy"... next time, try not to miss letters in words...

"If there are missing letters in a word, which allows the word to be read in different ways, giving it different meanings, which include swearing or swearing, then such posts are (or may be) subject to deletion."


Will the tax office pay you 13% on the amounts you lose?
Losing is not an option - the topic of the branch is different.

"Try dividing your TIN by 365 - you should see your date of birth.

Is this true for which country, and is it correct?


"Try dividing your TIN by 365 - you should see your date of birth.

Is this true for which country, and is it true?

Here are some quotes from other forums:

In Ukraine the TIN is a ten-digit number. The first 5 digits unambiguously define your date of birth, the penultimate digit is your gender, the last digit is a check digit. (Russian TIN has similar principles). You can check all this while entering to make sure that no "operator Ivanov is a scumbag" did not enter something wrong.

The clue is simple) you see, right?
00000 - 31.12.1899
00001 - 01.01.1900
00002 - 02.01.1900
00003 - 03.01.1900
00031 - 31.01.1900
00032 - 01.02.1900

function inn2birth(inn)
date=new date(1899, 11, 31+inn);
return date.toLocaleString();

function decode()
birth.value="Your date of birth: " + inn2birth(Math.abs(inn.value));

Call the information department at the tax office and they will explain everything to you.

The first five digits are the birthday number, starting from January 1, 1900. That is, a person born on 1.01.1900 will get a code beginning with 00001, 2.01.1900 with 00002, ..., 1.01.1901 with 00366, etc. <br / translate="no">
The next four characters are the ordinal number of the person (among those born on the same day). It is assigned as soon as information about the person is entered into the central database. These four characters also contain information about a person's gender. It is denoted by the ninth symbol: an even number is female, an odd number is male.

The last character is the check digit. It is determined by an algorithm, which is not made public so as to make it difficult to forge the number.

I am shocked by this circus.

The man asked a normal question, and you have made a mess of it, which was horrible, but I was under the table for a long time :)

If the sums are large, register somewhere on the islands and there will be a TIN and other things according to feng shui. But even there are taxes, though small.

And even more seriously, read the tax code.

Here you can also look at (Delphi/Pascal software codes, but algorithms are described)

I am shocked by this circus.

The man asked a normal question, and you've made it sound awful....

I wonder, I wonder what the abnormal answer was that could be called "bred" and "horror" and what would be a normal answer? You are a lawyer, aren't you? Teach us mere mortals, would you do us a favour?


This is a very interesting thread :)

But still, where and how is it better to transfer money once a week around 5000 roubles?