Let's sort out the phiba - page 6


But don't forget, when making tambourines, you need to consider fibo to determine tambourine diameters

Colleague, you are a vessel of wisdom! It all depends on the tambourine, the tambourine is the same as the levels.

Mischek: You've got a talent for looking for gophers and sculpting icons.
That's what's so frustrating. Gopniks are making money, and I'm ...... The fact that he trades on Fibo doesn't surprise me, but how, I can't figure out.

The hypothesis: if crowds of people believe in fibo levels, then all of them, at least very many of them, build them somewhere similar to each other, and then act in accordance with these levels. I.e. fibo levels don't make any sense at all, but become a self-fulfilling prediction.

So be it. And they are built very primitively in most cases. But there are other level systems - say, Murray.

The beauty of the golden ratio "phi" is that it satisfies the simplest algebraic ratio:

phi + phi^2 = 1 (if phi = 0.618).

From this equation numerous consequences follow, in which multiplicativity and additivity are intertwined. We trade additively, while the rate movement patterns are rather multiplicative.

In short, one can stick to a lot of pseudo-mathematics and dithyrambs to the golden ratio, but let others do it, if they want.

So that's what's so frustrating. Gopniks are making money and I'm ...... The fact that he trades by Fibo doesn't surprise me, but how, I can't figure out.

Because you're lazy, I don't know where you're digging, but if you're still looking for a way to break the locks ...you're definitely lazy.
Mischek: Because you're lazy, I don't know where you're digging, but if you're still looking for a way to fix locks ... you're definitely lazy.

Mischek, we've already decided with everyone who was particularly interested in this topic, outside the forum, that there are no traps and if there are, they are not the main thing.I have solved one of the formulas, but it is no more than 500 points a month and does not involve locked positions. So, the topic of lots is closed for me personally.

...... The fact that he trades on Fibo doesn't surprise me, but how, I can't figure out.
Is there any proof that he trades? Is there a monitored account, PAMM account or any other evidence? Usually, the lectures are read by someone who has a good diction, but has not succeeded in the real world.
goldtrader: And there is evidence ......

There are no facts. But, the lack of frozen accounts does not prove that this is not the case. On the contrary, for example, I, if I was making good money in forex, would not monitor my accounts.


But, the absence of frozen accounts does not prove that this is not the case. On the contrary,

For someone who teaches ???

For someone who says, "do as I do" ???

The horror


There are no facts. But, the lack of locked accounts does not prove that they are not.

Do you take everyone's word for it?

We have a lot of experience in this field, and we have a lot of experience in this field, and we have a lot of experience in this field. It's a business, I think it's obvious.


Because you're lazy, I don't know where or where you dig, but if you're still looking for a way to fix loki ...you're definitely lazy.

What's it got to do with being lazy or not? Let's just say I'm not lazy, I can turn a knob from morning till night. What's next? Does a non-lazy person have some kind of self-generated knowledge? It's the case that counts. Tell Richie how to work on forex and he can do it even if he is a hundred times lazy.