how much does a profitable system cost? - page 3

I just wanted to get other people's opinions on how much they would buy the strategy or how much they would sell it for ..... so I would know for myself .... if I create a system, how much I could sell it for .... and in response I got ****ed off for no reason .....
I just wanted to get other people's opinions on how much they would buy the strategy or how much they would sell it for ..... so I would know for myself .... if I create a system, how much I could sell it for .... and in response I got ****ed off for no reason .....
In 99 cases, a question about price is followed by an offer to buy.... and blah blah ....., it's impossible to sell an idea that is not tangible in some way ....
i just wanted to get other people's opinions on how much you would buy a strategy or how much you would sell it for ..... so i could know for myself .... if i build a system i could sell it for .... and i got screwed for no reason .....

You have basically answered your own question. As for selling profitable systems: that is what you have been told and it is true, or rather not far from the truth. Only what you mean by a "profitable system" is different from what is understood by the pros who are ready to lay out money. By the way out of your 150-300 trades how many were independent? How many of them were independent?

In general the "excuses" about the lack of funds on the deposit are no more than a consequence of insecurity. If you have a system, go to the Warenghold contest (not to advertise). If you pass the competition they will create a fund of 250K euros on their own. And you do not have to sell the system. ;). About the "take credit" here many people will say right off the bat. Your same questions lead to the idea that you want to transfer the risk, and get a guaranteed payment - it is rare and, therefore, the amount of which you can accidentally divorce will be very different from the cost of the TC actually working.

Good luck.


You basically answered your own question. You have the right answer about the sale of profit-making systems, or rather it is not too far from the truth. Only what you mean by a "profitable system" is different from what is meant by the professionals who are willing to lay out money for it. By the way out of your 150-300 trades how many were independent? How many of them were independent?

In general, the "excuses" about insufficient funds in the depot are nothing more than a consequence of insecurity. If you have a system, go to the Warenghold competition for example (not to be taken as an advertisement). If you pass the competition they will create a fund of 250K euros on their own. And you do not have to sell the system. ;).

Good luck.

I don't think I can get through there))) .... there are people who can make a lot more money than my shitty 25% .....

i don't think i can make it there))) .... there are people who can earn much more than my lousy 25% .....

You are wrong. Realistically one of the contests was won by a madam who only showed about 20% (295K out of 250K) in 3 months. Only her drawdowns were less than 1%. By the way, 2nd place was taken by account with fabulous profitability (1.8M out of 250K), but with bigger drawdowns - about 4-5%. My point is that the pros have very different requirements for the systems.

Good luck.

SZZ the competition is on the demo, but on interbank quotes. For example, this Monday there was a spread widening on the pound of about 90 pips. In this case a point means exactly a point and not its 10th part. That is, such a change in the price of an asset, at which the value of a standard lot changes by 10 units. For the euro, the pound is the 4-th digit ;). So, those who like to talk about "interbank chocolatism" and "delicacy of the brokerage companies" should think about it ;).


to the Warenhöld competition (not to be taken as an advertisement). If you pass the competition, they will create a fund of 250 K euros for you.

Good luck.

"The spread widened by 154 pips, took 6k from the depo, my complaint to the bank was answered \"THIS WAS MARKET MOTION\" after months of correspondence the quid have NOT BEEN REFUNDED. who wants to open with them, but in my opinion this is a kitchen.... "I'm not asking you to take it as an advertisement.

You are wrong. Realistically one of the contests was won by a madam who only showed about 20% (295K out of 250K) in 3 months. Only her drawdowns were less than 1%. By the way, 2nd place was taken by account with fabulous profitability (1.8M out of 250K), but with bigger drawdowns - about 4-5%. My point is that the pros have very different requirements for the systems.

Good luck.

SZZ contest on demo, but on interbank quotes. For example, this Monday there was a spread widening on the pound about 90 pips. In this case a point means exactly a point and not its 10th part. That is, such a change in the price of an asset, at which the value of a standard lot changes by 10 units. For the euro, the pound is the 4-th digit ;). So, those who like to talk about "interbank chocolatism" and "delicacy of the brokerage companies" should think about it ;).

so you mean the spread on the pound was about 90 pips? for example, the spread at the pound is 8-9 pips ....... so who trades with such spreads there? you have to work for at least 4 or 4 hours ......mde ........... pipsips are no good there ..... and i'm a pipsitter as well ....
I just wanted to get other people's opinions on how much they would buy a strategy or sell it for ..... so I would know for myself .... if I create a system, how much I could sell it for .... and in response I was ****ed off for no reason .....

Profitable systems are commercially unprofitable to sell, that's probably why they don't sell ;)
If you have one, open a small PAMM and in 3-4 months you will collect all the investors on it.
Take investments, it's much more profitable

p.s. 25% a month is a lot if it's stable.

"The spread widened by 154 pips, took 6k from the deposit, my complaint to the bank was answered \"THIS WAS MARKET MOTION\" after months of correspondence the quid have NOT BEEN REFUNDED. who wants to open with them, but I think it's a kitchen.... "I'm not asking you to take it as an advertisement.

I'm sorry, it happens. And about advertising/not advertising: I don't care - I'm not their employee.

Good luck.


so you mean the spread on the pound was about 90 pips? like for example the spread on the pound is 8-9 pips ...... so who trades with such spreads there? you have to work on at least 4 or 4 hours ......mde ......yyyyyy..... pipsipsyker no place there ..... and i am also a pipsyker ....

You don't get it: that's how gaps in the interbank work. Bids and offers go up. It's a brokerage house with a guaranteed spread that may choose which way to draw.) - and they won't do anything there (this, by the way, is not only true for Warenghold). The normal spread on a quiet market is 1 pip. And on the subject of pipsing - that's a separate topic. Orders may be placed within the spread, you can trawl even 1 pip, but you are not guaranteed against spread widening (more precisely, with reference to Varenhold 1 pip from price) - spreads are floating. With all that it implies. I was shocked myself at first. I had a talk with managers (not only them). I got similar replies from all of them: welcome to the real trading world.

Good luck.