What is the perspective in your opinion? - page 12

Paragrafych: and a log is more complicated than a kettle...
Batareikin: It depends on the colour of the log and the teapot!
Batterikin: It depends what colour the log and the teapot are!
Pipetkin: If they fly in the same direction, what difference does it make what colour they are
Pipetkin: If they fly in one direction, what difference does it make what colour they are

Pogromist: If the idea makes a profit - I'll program it for free!

Batterikin: It depends what colour the log and the kettle are!
Paragrafych: colour matching in natural conditions is impossible - hence the complexity cannot be the same. Under natural conditions, the colour of the kettle is always more uniform and therefore more primitive. The log is more complex.
While we were talking... found a pattern that kept me from trading Friday... Turned it over in my mind - the pattern!, checked (visually) since the beginning of the year - everything works. Its basis is the past. Good luck.

So there's no past, is there?


sol & Mathematych: Who cares if the idea is sensible or not: confused states will help us!

P.S. Together with Schrodinger's cat


I think the answer is obvious - no one knows.

The cat is either alive or dead - we shall see.


So there is no past, is there?

I didn't say there wasn't. I said there is - it's yesterday, the day before, last week...

So there is no past, is there?

Of course there isn't. You don't know Russian very well, do you?

If it's in the past, it's in the past tense. If it's in the present, it's in the present tense. If it's in the future, it's in the future tense.

So I'm showing you an example for those who are particularly gifted:

- The past is not, because it was, i.e. it no longer exists.

- The present is there, but it was once in the future and will soon be in the past.

- The future is sometime in the future, but is not yet there, i.e. it is not there yet and has not been there yet.


Of course not. You don't know Russian very well, do you?

If it is in the past, you use the verb in the past tense. If it is in the present, it is in the present tense. If it is in the future, it is in the future tense.

So I'm showing you an example for those who are particularly gifted:

- The past is no longer there, because it was, i.e. it doesn't exist.

- The present is there, but it once was in the future and will soon be in the past.

- The future is sometime in the future, but it is not and has not yet been.

For those who know Russian well: It was about something else entirely.

About the physical meaning.

Not about verbs.