EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 2) - page 1716


What variety I have =))))

Pretty soon there will only be two variants left, and then just one to work with.

I'll take the green one, wrap it up please)))
I'll take the green one, please wrap it up))))
I like MAIN better =) But green in terms of profits wouldn't be bad either =)
Some kind of pattern I think :)))))

I don't do patterns, only wave patterns.

If you decided to test my knowledge of VA rules, I'll tell you this. There is a branch at Vozny, where guys who have been doing marking for 5-7 years or more get together. There for the knowledge of assigning dice green, so I'm on this forum, among these guys recently, and made only 6 posts and they have already received 3 dice in the form of recognition.....))))))

You can follow the link, somewhere in this thread, go to Prektor's site and on the forum we will meet. My nickname is Big, avatar is the same ( on all forums)

If you put the question like that, (...some sort of pattern I think) then show your marking on the Woznyh forum and hear all from the guys about your marking, but I'll just keep quiet now to avoid unnecessary clarifications.....))))))

Among those who are keen on VA, it is believed that after 3-5 years, one can call himself a student, i.e. understand everything, but lack experience (hundreds of meters of correctly marked up charts). I am just a student now and think that in a few years I will be able to make a few hundred meters of correctly marked charts and reach the first level of proficiency in wave analysis....)))))



It's too early to bet, the eu is still in a triangle.

Do you have a turkey or do you draw by hand?

And I didn't say that patterns are only in VA.

Forex is simply inflated by the presence of other recurring cases.

And of course I'm weak in wave analysis, I agree. Sometimes right, sometimes wrong. No consistency =)

Also, respectfully ;)


...and complete the first step of Skills in Wave Analysis....)))))

Respectfully... ))))

By the way, these steps are different for everyone. Some go by someone else's gradation and some go by their own.
The dollar has corrected against the yen, however, still holding on to 8-week highs. Even the retail sales data could not disappoint investors in the dollar/yen pair. According to dealers, rising US government bond yields are making the dollar more attractive. "Ultra accommodative monetary policy in Japan and a gradual increase in expectations of a Fed rate hike are leading to a widening of the spread between US and Japanese two-year bonds," BNPPParibas analysts said. "We believe the dollar/yen will continue to rise in the short term and thus recommend opening long positions in this pair."

With all this colouring, it seems to me...
the mushrooms are in the woods!
Do you have a turkey or do you draw by hand?
My wife is allowed to draw - if everything is tidied up, dinner is ready, dishes are washed, etc.
By the way, everyone has his own gradation. Some go by someone else's gradation, and some on their own..

Good luck on your journey....)))))))