EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 2) - page 1888


I mean I haven't heard a single intelligent thought from you here except for stupid comments.
You've got plenty of clever thoughts here you've got 10 times put on a sell...... buy....... and ended up unguessed............(((((((((((((((
You've got a lot of clever thoughts here you've got 10 times put on a sell...... buy....... and end up unguessed............(((((((((((((((

I've had a buy and sell for a month now and will only get a sell and that's possible. I do not have to guess for anybody, I have my own head and you should think about it.
You've got a lot of smart ideas here, you've got 10 times to put on a sell...... buy....... and you end up failing to guess............(((((((((((((((

You have a point of view, defend it. Everyone here is just stating their thoughts, not a guide for action.
You've got a lot of clever thoughts here you've got 10 times put on a sell...... buy....... and ended up with an unguessable............(((((((((((((((
you need to be more careful what you say... forex is not easy - that's a fact... but don't blame others for your failures... you have to have your own thoughts and systems...
How you draw such zigzags is anyone's guess... the market has reversed to buying.
We'll wait and see. I haven't gotten up yet. I'm on the sell side, it's shown in the screenshot.......

I just wanted to tell you not to mess with my head when I have divergent opinions and actions all the time.
All I'm saying is, don't let this guy get to me when he's not thinking straight.
Let's open a new thread. the forum is slow and posts take a long time to load.
You need to get over him to call strangerr "you". He's not calling anyone "you". Get a grip.
I just wanted to tell you that this character is not pointing at me when he constantly diverges from his thoughts and actions.

You're just waiting for some kind of guessing on the move on the minutes: buy, sell, with targets of a few dozens of points. My thoughts and orders are two different things, you're right. If I think that in the short term the pair will go up or down, it does not mean that I have already opened a position and am waiting with my mouth open. And I meant it in all seriousness.