EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 2) - page 1821

I think that's it. Let's go downstairs...
This is the first time I have heard of rabbits, can you explain the system?

There is a very complicated system with rabbits, and about ZUP here
Do you have a link to the rabbit system? Thanks for the zoop, but it's a bit too complicated for me, the butterfly is simpler...

It killed me)))))

Must go into the annals))))

rabbits are not only valuable fur))))

With rabbits there is a very complicated system, and about ZUP here
One thing I know about rabbits is that they are not just valuable fur..... )))
Do you have a link to the rabbit system? Thanks for the zoop, but it's a bit too complicated for me, the butterfly is simpler...

There is no point in mastering the rabbit system without knowledge of the tantrik pendulum system, you can ask him if he wants to, he will tell you the basics of this wonderful system.

With rabbits there is a very complicated system, and about ZUP here
so you are also breeding rabbits ;)
so you also raise rabbits ;)

Yeah, you say something like that and then you'll have a hard time explaining it))))

Yeah, you say something like that and then you'll have a hard time explaining it)))

The rabbit system makes no sense to master without knowledge of Tantrik's pendulum system, you can ask him, if he wants to, he will tell you the basics of this wonderful system.
well now it's up to tantrik ;)